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Everything posted by tscolin

  1. This made me chuckle http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...17893&sid=1 ***SAMPLE*** Its a fine read indeed!!! now... which are you?
  2. Thank god people manage to get this bored, and rich. http://images.mmorpg.com//images/galleries/full/052008/9d4d4ec9-58ba-4ad7-b2cc-c9c6652f2c83.jpg Oh man... win.
  3. Awesome job guys
  4. tscolin

    Baron Down!

    Great success!!
  5. !!!!!!! What is that thing?
  6. but i will.
  7. we rock.
  8. tscolin

    Livechat GO!!

    Here i am, bored sitting at work with nothing to do but sit in live chat ALONE!! Comon! join livechat!
  9. tscolin

    My new avatar

    never, I'm American, Americans don't fail, we conquer. Er, i mean, liberate. Yeah thats it.
  10. tscolin

    My new avatar

    Your avatar honors the Japanese/Chinese/Thai/whatever. Very nice!
  11. wow. FLIP FLOPPING is for the WEAK!! eff you obama. I support John Runyan for president!
  12. http://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle_blog/2...s_out_in_favor_ Yep, barack-obama bought my vote w/ saying he wants to decriminalize marijuana. Do you support decriminalization?
  13. giants and pats both suck, LETS GO EAGLES!!! E-A-G-L-E-S!!! 2008 season eagles are gonna be 19-0!!! WOOOOO!!!!
  14. EZMODE!!!!!!!
  15. Hi Q!!!!
  16. http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php?topic=4018.0 i need a go/no go on legitimacy . [edit]Void Crystal transmutes!!!!!!!!!![/edit]
  18. http://www.varietyasiaonline.com/index.php...mp;Itemid=10021 China is making good use of WoW maps in their plan to take over the world, er, i mean turkey.
  19. FAKE!
  20. And hykos could be right, my area for instance is still in a state of growth and property values are higher than ever, but its been this way threw the last 2 recessions as well. However, so many downturns so quick, on such a large scale, makes me bearish.
  21. While it may be fake, mmo-champ has made such posts in the past that have ended up being true, thats not to say that blizzard wont change stats on items.
  22. This will happen to till the day we die, you could call it a paradigm shift. While im aware of what recession means, our difference is how we view it, regardless, you leave me with: Touché.
  23. Correct, not a depression, nor do i see it going to a depression. You act as if investors, or people w/ money to lose would actually wait until the government announces such things. Perhaps i should have mentioned that those 800 were of nasdaq/dow industrial indexes. And Hykos... Condescending -adjective, showing or implying a usually patronizing descent from dignity or superiority: They resented the older neighbors' condescending cordiality. I know how to use the internet to acquire definitions as well.
  24. Asian and european markets are down 5-8% yesterday alone. And yes, its .75, OR 75 basis points. Also, how are we not in a recession? the markets have been dropping for almost a month, we are down about 20% from our highs, subprime is still effed up, the banks are running dry. 800 companies today have posted 52 week lows, this is by no means "growth".
  25. omgz, new mageblades!
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