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Everything posted by Sploit

  1. Damn. That was awesome.
  2. Sploit

    E3 trailer

    If you do get one, make sure to get a 360, as the ps3 has no gaems.
  3. Hello everyone, I thought I'd just make a post here helping out a friend of mine (You may remember her as Spirits). She is currently in the process of trying to get her project off the ground, so I figured sharing it with the FP community may just bring some help/exposure that she needs. The link is here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/887169...uty-in-darkness Feel free to give it a look, possibly tell anyone you think might be interested. And yes, it is about vampires, no they do not sparkle.
  4. Sploit


    wat? Given a choice, you should NEVER play FPS games on consoles. FPS is meant for keyboard + mouse!
  5. Well this was short lived. maintenance tomorrow makes it so the private stores only last 30 minutes!
  6. A guide to dickery? lol
  7. Sploit

    Aion forum

  8. Hunters actually used to have focus to begin with. They didn't have mana until late beta I believe.
  9. Grim Batol was only a small part of that quest. There was one drake you had to kill there, and that's it.
  10. I expect results!
  11. Wow I barely recognize anybody in these screenshots anymore.
  12. Sploit

    Website Issue

    You forget it's run by the white man.
  13. Honestly, paid faction change is one of the worst things they could do to this game. It would pretty much ruin BGs and any other PvP that isn't arenas. Not one self respecting pvper would stay alliance, there is no reason to.
  14. Sploit

    Oh hai

  15. Sploit


    I was the first person from Skullcrusher to say happy birthday to Sakx on his actual birthday. /flex.
  16. What the hell did I just watch?
  17. Sigh... FFXI... Sigh...
  18. http://sploits.mybrute.com/ NEED PUPILS FOR XP
  19. Stang and Div both cheated =[
  20. Sploit

    Happy Easter

    Zombie jesus day!
  21. Haha, I read that shit, too.
  22. wtf is this 1024x610 nonsense?
  23. Happy Birthday douche
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