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Everything posted by Feanore

  1. Hey Pai! Long time no see! I'll be downloading this tonight! SteamID: Ambient_Silence
  2. Thanks for the responses! Most of the people I know from the dev team and the community are from the EU or the UK...It'd be nice to find some peeps for a coop stateside
  3. So yeah...Haven't posted here in a while, but had to share this with anyone I know/knew that might care! Years ago, I did some sound work with a mod group and after god knows how long, one of their projects is being released on Steam...For free! http://store.steampowered.com/app/630/ Just seeing the preview gives me a sense of nostalgia with all-night beta testing sessions and whacky recording techniques.
  4. Feanore

    YaY 3.3.5

    This made me lol IRL...
  5. Downloading now...
  6. I'm kinda with KP on this one. The original intent of 'government regulation' was to protect the citizens from predatory acts by companies or individuals. This is true of any industry be it food, drug, financial services, whatever. The problem, as I see it, is there are companies out there that market their products based on quality and there are those that do so based on accesibility and convenience. Longer shelf life = the later. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm a smoker and I know full well the product I'm puffing on is damaging my health. As a result, I don't really freak out when new regulations or taxes are imposed on said product, especially as it pertains to 2nd hand smoke and the effect MY habit may have on OTHERS. Still, if I'm stupid enough to keep smoking, it's my loss and I think the government has an obligation to keep it as my loss only. Problem is, there are a ton of theoretically safe products and production practices that we, the public, know very little about and many companies feel no obligation to inform us of this unless there is a consumer outcry (boycott) or government intervention/regulation. As an extreme illustration of this point: Anyone ever seen the old cigarette adds where they have DOCTOR'S talking about how great these things are? I'm sure you can find clips on . I think that's the kind of thing regulation is supposed to prevent. Next problem: Grey areas. What happens when there is not enough conclusive evidence, or the facts can be 'spun' to suit a pro or con argument? I think sometimes regulators go too far in that regard, such as in Gryph's link (and sometimes not far enough). ...Wow, I think I've said enough for now.
  7. Feanore

    new mix

    Funny you should mention that: Just got back from work and I was listening to it the whole way home. Works well for driving (like all of Ez's mixes )
  8. Feanore

    new mix

    D/Ling now. Hm...I need to check the forums more often
  9. Didn't a hordie (Orc Warrior iirc) accidentally crash the event? I seem to recall a forum post with the title 'I 1shot FP's GM' or something along those lines, in which he documented the whole 'cult ritual' and subsequent slaying of Stang. lol!
  10. Btw, Adra: That was an epic response!
  11. Not sure about that. I always used a 'Technet' or MSDN (Microsoft Developer's Network) subscription, but companies love to change naming schemes. Anyway, here's the link. A bit more than I remember it costing, but you can also normally find it cheaper from a reseller. ^This^ I'm not sure...My friend and I are both DBA's so it never occurred to me that this might be a necessity as we always 'put it on the company card' for writeoffs... Finally... Dunno...RL has been really busy but not terribly profitable lately so I'm facing the double whammy of having neither copious amounts of free time NOR free cash... <3
  12. Alternately, you could get a Technet sub for something like $150-200 which would net you ~10 licenses for each version of Win7 (home, pro and ultimate...32 and 64 bit versions) as well as pretty much all of their software lineup from Office to Visual Studio. Yes, the price I quoted (estimate) is a bit steep for an individual, but if you went in with 1 or more other people you'd all have Win7 licenses for the rest of your lives...I haven't installed a retail/OEM version of Windows in about 10 years thanks to my friend's Technet sub.
  13. Pi is the ultimate MMO for mathematicians! I bet 50 years from now people will still be trying to bust that infinite loop.
  14. I've never watched more than a few episodes of 'The Guild', but this was pretty damn funny!
  15. Owned? Also, I see this as an excellent attack vector for all kinds of scripted shenanigans if permissions aren't set properly. *Enters mad scientist lab*
  16. Feanore


  17. love the shot of the door imprint in the snow!
  18. Feanore

    WowBash again!!!

    Don't forget, coming to a theater near you: WoW Attention Whore: The movie! As far as SC goes, I think Stang managed to hold the title the longest. Granted, there was some fierce competition in the old days but I don't think SC drama/whoring/etc has been the same since BC came out.
  19. Feanore

    WowBash again!!!

    Actually, I seem to recall seeing a very similar method used to keep someone from DCing in FP raid chat a few years back Edit: I should note: I don't think it actually worked, but it was a rewarding experience none the less.
  20. I have to 2nd Xio's recommendation. If you don't mind relying on Google, the service is great. It also has an exchange server option, so you can sync calendars with your iPhone/Android/Blackberry(?) online (no need to sync from your computer). In addition, you can set popup reminders for events that will work with iPhone and Android calendars. Can't confirm Blackberry, but I think that works too.
  21. Feanore


    Ditto! Oh, and are you guys saying my bluray player is also a gaming console?...That explains why my remote looks like a controller. I'm definitely looking into this game, but anything I'd play for more than a month has to be a PC release or it ain't worth consideration. Period.
  22. Licensing is still too restrictive and cost to prohibitive for me. If I get it with a new machine I'll use it, but I'm pretty much a Linux whore at this point.
  23. Feanore

    OH! Canada!!

    This is probably the #1 reason I don't move to Canada...I've got dual citizenship, and free healthcare/more jobs sounds great...But I've also got a lifetime of California weather in my blood...Brrr...
  24. Feanore


    I'd hit it. Lemon: We all know you don't have any clad photos...You just photoshopped in some clothes... Gryph, in that photo you actually look like your thinking 'I'm kind of a big deal'. Dunno if I'm even in the guild roster anymore, but I still like to lurk the forums and I keep MEANING to reactivate my acc (I swear!), so here's a semi-old photo of me chilling with my Epic Mount. Edit: yeah Trenton, Ecth looks allot like his avatar =P
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