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Everything posted by Feanore

  1. Feanore

    Season 5!

    No... I've never had a problem in PvP...'Wrecking face' is not the issue. The point is it's impossible to get any PvP gear (or respect) without decent ratings, which requires a decent team, which normally requires anything but a feral druid. This is just the same old crap ferals have been dealing with since day one. Difference is, pre-BC it was raiding where we got dumped on. Now it's arenas. Sure, you get the odd player that really shines in a single bracket (like Atrus), and even more rarely someone like Pykan that maintains a high rating through all brackets, but both of the aforementioned people had dedicated team mates not to mention both have either rerolled or respec'd in the last 6 months...What does that tell you? Like Memphis, I simply refuse to respec, so I guess I'm my own worste enemy. Trees and Mana Turkeys just don't turn me on. On the bright side, DK is one of the few other classes that hasn't bored me after a few lvls so...Depending on how much time I have to lvl Coffinbone he may become my new main.
  2. Feanore

    Season 5!

    A. Shouldn't this be in the PvP section? B. Should I just quit now. From what I can see ferals are as useless as ever in anything but 2s... I was really looking forward to some new arenas, but all I'm thinking now is it's going to be hard to find a good comp, even harder to find someone I know that will be interested/available to fill that comp and, finally, that basically I'll be disregarded in PvP discussions realm-wide because of: WTB: 1v1 arenas
  3. Hykos...I think you just blew up my computer...Or did my mind just assplode?
  4. How many edits did it take you to get it in just the right place?
  5. nerf bat a comin?
  6. On a different note: I like the layout quite a bit...Do you have a list of UI mods you use? I'm mostly using X-Perl, enemy castbar and CT, but it's not nearly as clean as yours.
  7. Little known fact: If you buy a '69 Camero, not only will it rip BAWLS, but you can also convert it to a water vapor engine, thus forcing tree huggers to STFU. Some Cameros had iron engine blocks which don't suffer 'copper leach' from water vapor like aluminum does. And no, this ain't no joke. I know a guy that did exactly that.
  8. ^ THIS ^ The FP summer party has officially moved...All participants required to wear squirrel suits P.s.- Joe: Get a motorcycle...The quote 'closest thing to flying without leaving the ground' is incredibly accurate at times!
  9. Feanore

    F18's can fly

    ^ This ^
  10. Fiordelisa: teets? Sauceboss: boobs Sploit: boobs? Memphis: perfect! Other than that, the only thing I noticed was that you and ecth pwned the dmg meters epic SS
  11. owned
  12. I noticed in the 'members viewing' section that honki is looking at this right now. I look forward to a cracker-free post.
  13. Lol! That was so full of win!
  14. Grats man! I wanna watch you tank a 25 man with that thing @80
  15. When my friend recently ordered his XPS (desktop) they shipped him two... He's an honest guy and sent the extra back, but it seems Dell/FedEx have been having lots of shipping/inventory errors lately.
  16. Feanore


    Great content. Want more. Waiting for the X-pac...
  17. LMAO! I think that's the winner!
  18. Feanore

    Q is back!

    WB Q! =D
  19. http://b.mektroid.net/pedobear.jpg
  20. That was a pretty epic maneuver.
  21. Dunno, went to bed after my post. By the time I got up it was installed and ready to go! Gotta get to work so I'll harass one of you officer-types for a ginvite when I've picked a name/race for my DK (we can roll horde or alliance?...Sooooo want a UD DK!).
  22. Hey all, Well, I finally gave in and bought the X-Pac...From Blizzard's website! Just a status report for those too lazy to go to the store (like me) that may have bandwidth/speed concerns (like me...). I ran the installer, and it seems to only download the new cinematics; I'm on a crappy DSL connection and after about 45 min it says 62% (310MB/1.9GB Lol!). From what I can tell their installer just does a checksum on all files other than the cinematics and a few other WotLK-only files like MP3s, so no 24 hour D/L hell. So far, I'm pretty impressed. Looks like Blizz may have got this right...We'll see if it requires me to install the updates again. Fortunately, I kept a backup of those per Atrus's handy post. I'll reply to this post with an update some time tomorrow when the install is actually complete. I hope this helps any of those who were unable/unwilling/unwhatever to maybe grab WotLK. Looking forward to trying out my new DK and hope to see you all in game! TEH FIFI
  23. http://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/012v1Hx54h9EU/340x.jpg
  24. Oh, is that like candy corn? Yum.
  25. To summarize the entire issue (of government, not just minority rights): A government of/by/for the people that also attempts to maintain a separation of church and state sounds pretty simple except we have a little problem: When you have a majority that is religious (which I believe is the case in the U.S.), it's very difficult to keep church and state separate; People tend to vote emotionally (sorry, I wish everyone would apply the Socratic method to their decisions, but I suspect they rarely do...). If said emotions are subject to a particular belief system ('religion'), you are going to see a conflict between the aforementioned goals. Looking historically at a famous quote, you can see the shift in our collective conscience: We're not there yet, but if we truly believe in 'Liberty and justice for all' (and I'm not saying everyone does...), I don't see how the last one can be ignored. Or, as Atrus said in another thread, 'This is the civil liberties issue for this generation' Cheers, Fifi
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