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Everything posted by Feanore

  1. /4thofJuly
  2. http://www.neoterrastudios.com/remoteResources/xkcd/equationgirls.jpg
  3. Grats guys! $127k?...I need to move...Here in SF a 2 bedroom 'condo' is still like $700K
  4. http://www.kith.org/journals/jed/pix/missing-point-small.jpg
  5. Feanore


    Necro thread is necro.
  6. ^ This ^
  7. Feanore

    windows 7 beta

    I'm still amazed people are willing to pay for an OS
  8. Epic Maneuver!
  9. This guy is so full of win. /me looks forward to a Mad Max future where people are hunted down for their fuel value.
  10. Feanore


    Hm...I might add these to my Netflix queue. <--Managed to avoid seeing a 'New Feature Film' throughout all of 2008
  11. You're still alive aren't ya?
  12. Lol!
  13. Feanore

    New MMO!

    <--Waiting for 'Podunk' avatar.
  14. ^ ^ They didn't drink the Apple Coolaid...Everyone else died 10 min after that photo was taken.
  15. Feanore


    Gah! I bought it at Game Spot for $19.99 just last week At least I didn't pay 39 or 49 like people that got it on release...
  16. OMFG! When I laugh at things like this...I'm reminded that I'm *NOT* a good person....
  17. Feanore

    Happy Holidays

    Happy Holidays indeed!
  18. I'd call it...'Just wrong'
  19. ^ This ^ And... ^ This ^ ...Fail company is fail...
  20. Preamble: I've never had a keylogger, so take the following statement with a grain of salt... From what I understand, keyloggers take advantage of the browswer, so OS isn't really an insulator. If think there's the remotest chance you got hit by one, the very 1st thing you wanna do is clear your browser cache, reboot (just to be safe?), and if you have access to a different machine, use that to go to www.worldofwarcraft.com > Account Settings > Change Password. Change that thing ASAP. From what I've read, most keyloggers work through your web browser, so if you open/login to WoW before you open your browser, you should be good to go, but honestly?...I'm not sure about that one. TLDR version from the WoW forums: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...opicId=18001914 Best of luck, Fifi EDIT: Looks like I was wrong, it does actually install something, so if it happened, your boned... Also, if you use firefox look for the addon called 'Noscript'; Blocks javascript on all pages unless you explicitly allow them from a specific site.
  22. Feanore

    Season 5!

  23. ^ This ^ Kinda sucks they are hot fixing. It's the 'unintended consequences' of game mechanics that make the game worth playing.
  24. Feanore

    Season 5!

    Ok, this wasn't meant to be a feral QQ session. My apologies for starting it. What I was getting at is after reading various descriptions online, I'm not seeing anything particularly new or interesting other than the landscape mechanics. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but it still looks like the gear is gonna go to the best cookie cutter teams.
  25. Feanore

    Season 5!

    t It's hard to beat a class that uses fire and forget HoTs, but Shaman is looking pretty solid considering, as Letica already pointed out, healers will have to keep up with nuke crits...And HoTs don't really cover that.
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