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Everything posted by Feanore

  1. So...It's like SC forums back in the day?
  2. Feanore

    Steam ID's

  3. Feanore


    Either way...Beta Keyz: I HAZ NUN.
  4. Feanore


    my bit torrent client is currently chugging away on the open beta. Do they use realms/servers? If so, who's on which?
  5. Feanore


    Is it me or does corkie not resemble his old alliance rogue in that photo? @loofa: Amazing job of putting this thread in the realm of team homo heals
  6. Which SOUNDS awesome, but quad cores still aren't really being utilized...
  7. Feanore


    Hard to argue with Benny's logic. Only thing I can say is: I have a bad case ..................Of diarrhea.
  8. Feanore


    All I can say is... ROFLCOPTER!
  9. Gryph probably gave you the best link you're gonna get. I've had an amazingly difficult time finding flash programmers for my jobs. I know several flash animators, but the two are not at all the same.
  10. Careful, in this guild that pic could end up on a thong...
  11. Lol at amplified signals in line level inputs! You got lucky dude.
  12. Ghost is gonna eMurder me for this blasphemy, but... A friend actually gave us one of these as a gift...It's more like a SMASHchop if you want anything to get chopped up...I broke it after 1 onion EDIT: Trenton, you don't know Breakin? L280smoar?
  13. ^ this ^ Glad I'm not the only one that was wondering...
  14. Feanore


    OMG Bishop...I think the combo of animated gifs in your post/sig/avatar are listed in the CIA book for mind-control...
  15. Sorry it took so long for me to respond...I'm up to my eyeballs in code these days and can't even find time to log in for my dailies... I hope this will change soon, but honestly, I need the money right now.
  16. So...I'm at lvl 2 now and it looks like basically I can't get any specials unless I recruit pupils? Kinda h@x...
  17. Future of gaming (they say it's for 'science and art'...Left4Dead anyone?): http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/joann_k...allosphere.html srsly though, this is amazing!
  18. Feanore

    How the?

    Done <3
  19. WTF?! I had Stang beat and...He poted! True story. feanore.mybrute.com On the bright side:
  20. 'Working as intended'
  21. Feanore


    More recent news: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090410/ap_en_...I0RGPXMWJxxFb8C
  22. Feanore

    @ Stangg

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