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Everything posted by Feanore

  1. 'Hellz yes we just finished on your chest' lmao!
  2. Feanore

    For Gryph

    Thought you might appreciate this (found this in a link shiki posted): http://www.fatpenguinmedia.com/phpads/adimage.php?filename=300by250_bigdeal_2.jpg
  3. Pwnt! P.s.- How do you find the time to troll so many forums Bent?
  4. /MOOO!!! That was a fun flick =)
  5. Actually, there isn't much point due to DRs: 1st cast = 8sec, 2nd = 6/5sec(?), 3rd = 3 sec, 4th = immune. Spending 1.5 sec to take someone out of the game for 5 sec? MAYBE another 3sec? Meh, I can stay in cat form and do the same thing with maim while continuing to dps between CCs. Did I mention that all bleeds and DoTs still effect them and the old trinkets didn't break them since they were a 'disorient' effect like gouge?...Yeah, nobody ever remembers that move but it's got huge benefits, no DR and only 10 sec CD. But my cyclone doesn't suffer nearly as badly as say sap, blind(3 MINUTE CD), or Freezing trap (30 sec CD ouch). If you have a hunter, rogue or druid in your arena team you should probably just dump em now...oh wait...
  6. Joe? Have you found some hax mod to read our gchat? Klakla was supposed to start a Journey thread yesterday. /disappointed
  7. Grats on 70 (again) Trigg! Doin the honor grind myself atm, but ya never know, I may pull my head out of a BG from time to time ;p
  8. Srsly On another note: now do we call you 'UnShavenHeart'?
  9. I only count 2 breasts in that SS...Aren't you missing like...4?
  10. Sadly, the person that pwns him most is in fact himself =P
  11. <Emerald Whelpling> ...Guess we all know where Miro was hiding in that shot lol
  12. Feanore

    Cat thread

    I can top that: I used to have a lizard that terrified every dog that came over. He had 1 bulldog trained to walk away from him and put her face to the wall, shivering the whole time ;p
  13. Feanore

    Cat thread

    More mature audience material Just Scary
  14. Utar RPing? /cringe
  16. Um...Does this include beta keys? I'd hit that
  17. very nice! What mod are you using to create the border Gar?
  18. That's awesome guys! And ouch RH...That's allota mats
  19. Lol GG! 'Purepwnage'
  20. Bruce Campbell is crying...Or laughing on a large pile of money
  21. That's cause you're all supposed to be shadow by now...'I IZ HEELIN U WIT VAMP EMB LOLZORPWNT!' (seriously though, vamp embrace is amazing dps+offhealing <3 shadowpriests)
  22. Your stupidity crits you for 1000000000000000000000000000000000000 You die. You are banned from WoW. You lose at life.
  23. Finally! Now, quick: someone sub me in on illhoof so I can get my [item]Terestian's Stranglestaff[/item]
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