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Everything posted by Feanore

  1. Just been watching these videos on 'thinking in 4 dimensions'. Thought you guys might enjoy it. What can I say, I like the pop-up-book versions of 'Mind altering' subjects. http://www.dimensions-math.org/Dim_regarder_E.htm
  2. Listening now I noticed HV mentioned VNV. I did the whole VNV/Funkervogt/*FillInIndusrialBandHere* thing years ago. Currently looking for more trance/dance music (Yeah, Amy and I are going through major club withdrawals). For that category, I normally check out Matt Darrey's podcasts on Nocturnal Radio, but I can't help but think I'm still missing allot. Like HV, I'd love to see more links!
  3. Soma wins this thread and TEH INTARNETZ as well!
  4. Where was I?... http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h190/Eomiir/WoW/afk-feanore.jpg ...Chillin wit my homie. Oh right, Back on topic: 'gold medals with 7 world records and 1 Olympic record'...That's pretty frickin amazing
  5. Actually, iirc, /gangsigns was originally a shadow priest thing between Ben and Bentley. /keepinitreal EDIT: ^ Wow, I've been around too long... ^
  6. ^ I love you that much too Stang! <3 ^
  7. I won 6 BGs in a row wearing that stupid tabard with no pet...And, honestly, I feel my wins were more of an accomplishment as I was in PUG land playing with the sippy-cup crowd.
  8. So wait...You're saying you are a born-again bible-thumper? /boggle
  9. Meh, whatever happens, I thinks it's fascinating. But my money's on Vanin's end-of-the-world theory. /God-mode on.
  10. Just in case there's even a SINGLE person here that doesn't know what ghosty is talking about, I couldn't miss an opportunity to pitch the vid again: This is the short version.
  11. Best brush-off I've seen in a long time
  12. hmm... I might try it at some point. Dunno, I don't have too much issue with google (so long as script-blocker keeps google-analytics blocked).
  13. ^ This ^ So...I guess I'm now 'off-topic' when I say: OMFG failblog is full of win it hurts! Back on topic: KlaKla R leegal? U iz vizit west coust plz? http://failblog.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/epicfail.jpghttp://failblog.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/sotp.jpg
  14. Feanore

    For Tom

    '33 years since their last time on television'...Give the guy a break!
  15. Wow, hybrid love if I ever saw it.
  16. Feanore


  17. http://media.ebaumsworld.com/picture/angryaussie/emo_hitler.jpg
  18. ^ Youtube worthy ^
  19. Think that was the general idea
  20. Lol srsly
  21. Feanore


    Unfortunately, I'll probably be about 2-3 hours behind
  22. OMG FIXT!
  23. Epic
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