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Everything posted by Joesf

  1. Joesf

    Stupid internet

    "Because it'll hurt more you twit!" Never thoughts I'd be quoting Robin Hood. No less the one Kevin Cosner was it. "Were men. Were men in tights. tIGhts. Tights."
  2. Ya, thats what started it. We had just unpacked a new tape library and I saw the styrofoam piece. Luci walked past the window and I threw it on my head. Then my boss did the same. Then of course we had to battle.
  3. Muhaha Its an epic battle between Joesf and the Boss! Compaq Rack Rail 2Handed Sword +100 to Racking a Compaq Styrofoam Helm of Might Helm +100 Packaging Static Bag Toga +100 Statics Resist
  4. Thank you, you ingenious moron! hehe Insults this way are kinda fun.
  5. Ihope no one ninjas our tabard during one of the times its changed for the holidays. It matches my outfit wounderfully.
  6. Dont gimme that, woman!
  7. http://www.childsplaycharity.com/ Even some gaming companies have gotten in on this. Enough said.
  8. Is that like telling someone, 'Stop being a dumbass, smartass'?
  9. That was a copy paste quote from the Points Rules post. If you read it the person who is getting sacrificed for a different class is suppsed to also get points for the boss after also.
  10. I want a santa outfit! /strips Stang nekkid
  11. Well, at least they know they have something in common. Father like son! That was a bad joke. I know
  12. /cheer
  13. I think that one could probably go into the WoW Record Books. Highest Death EVAR! hehe
  14. That was a sixth grade flashback. PS - I think we need to open a helpdesk ticket. The button sin't doing shit. Damned developers.
  15. Joesf


    We definately need to get some cult style robe outfits going on.
  16. I couldnt sport a roll of dimes if I found out me and my mom had talked dirty to each other.
  17. Lol Wonder if he still gives his mother a hug when he sees her.
  18. Joesf


    We have been upgraded to '/famous cult' status!
  19. So we remember the story on the WoW forums about the kid that got busted by his mother for being on the forums real early in the morning. This one, 1ups that <grin> http://entertainment.tv.yahoo.com/news/wwn...3414040002.html
  20. You. Are. In. Fargo.
  21. Lol Valdez. I think my Mom would slap the crap outta me if I showed her that.
  22. Joesf

    zg spider

    So basically you want me to pull agro even more? hehe
  23. Joesf


    Being 'nuts' would signify a common, everyday mental problem. We go well beyond that *stares at the bats thinking "they'll see em soon enough"
  24. And don't watch if youre... sqeamish. http://www.fazed.org/video/view/?id=131
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