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Everything posted by Joesf

  1. This kinda stuff gives me more wood than any strip club. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=90...803150737530875
  2. /famous rep increase by double And I got my Quel'serrar! Yar har har! I have to admit though, when I saw Beorn drop, my butthole puckered up and I ran in with shield block, last stand and shield wall on. Then i stabbed that biotch in the heart! Also, with Usagimidori as my witness. All the Pallies but Kaslor ran away from dueling me outside of IF afterwards! I even got 1 pally after two sets of healing and a shield! Arg!
  3. Absolutely! Anything for you may favorite Ecthelion!
  4. Paladins don't heal! Except Ecthelion, he's my hero. But he still doesn't have dps!
  5. From my understanding it was a Counsilor event in which to learn the encounters so that we would be able to run more overall successful ZG raids. More leaders that know how to run the instance the more successful runs.
  6. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...&tmp=1#blizzard
  7. Only Joesf's are me! The mage is Undead.
  8. TROOOGDOOR! http://homestarrunner.com/trogday.html
  9. I had problems staying logged in last night, but I also got attacked by that new Windows Vulnerability. Symantec AV FTMFW! Quarantined that bitch then sent it packing to the bits graveyard!
  10. The Nine now has a warning label. 'May be hazerdous to your health.'
  11. Gryph got his shield! Start calling him, Dr. Trouser Shield Snake. muahha
  12. Joesf

    Vael down to 15%

    Razorgore dropped a pair of Mage bracers and a Warlock book offhand trinket thingy... I'm gonna pry the sword from that guys corpse next time!
  13. Ya it is, youre block me
  14. I need you around for when my beer gets cold O_o
  15. I'm glad a counsilor\officer said something cause that really ergged me too. I can't think of anything 'casual friendly' to say, except I'm sure other guilds are recruiting who can do it faster and better than us.
  16. This is just... I dunno... http://www.courttv.com/news/2006/0112/chat...m_suit_ctv.html
  17. Joesf

    Props to arty

    I say we kill Attrition since they drew first blood on us. Hurt: Attrition Heal: Immortality
  18. Also, how many bosses we take down can depend on the number of tanks\warlocks\druids on Garr, Sulfuron and Domo respectively.
  19. I think our last MC we down Domo in around 4-5hours. Aside from Rags we can do MC in one night and thats jsut because we don't want to stay up until 2-3am killing Rags. If we start Sunday around 2-3 we could probably clear all of MC in one sitting. Depending on how high your Ass Numbness resists are. But I'm always drinking during raid so I could be way off.
  20. Joesf


    /falls to kneels /reaches for the sky Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  21. What is what I drank too much of last night? Man, I feel rough this morning.
  22. Hunter Weapon! Muhaha i feel so dirty saying that, but it feels soooo goood!
  23. Joesf

    Good news

    but did you save money on your car insurance?
  24. /famous orgy cult DOWN WITH PANTS!
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