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Everything posted by Joesf

  1. 1969 Pontiac GTO Judge wait wait wait. Thats much more than a 'car'
  2. I can't think of any appropriate jokes for what Volkv is selling!
  3. Joesf

    Razorgore Strat

    I think everyone needs to read this, especially the officers. Here the class and job specifics. You can read the actual strategy in the link. Class Points. Razorgore Assist\Controller which will "mark" the target in question with a min-rank Scorpid Sting to indicate that it will be slept by Razorgore, while preventing the Assist himself from disrupting any CC on the target. The Assist may also use this ability to extend the effective duration of the sleep effect placed on any Dragonkin by a druid, allowing druids more breathing room as a result. Razorgore Controller - The Razorgore controller must control Razorgore, forcing him to destroy all of the eggs in the chamber one by one. The controller does so by using the Orb of Command. Each use of the Orb of Command has a duration of 90 seconds and is a channeled effect, so damage taken by the Controller will shorten the time remaining on the channelling bar. While he is controlled, Razorgore can use 4 special abilities: Destroy Egg, Calm Dragonkin, Fireball Volley, and Cleave. Cleave is the only ability that is never used by the Controller. Destroy Egg is a short-range, untargetted ability that destroys one nearby egg. It has a 3-second cast time (during which Razorgore must be stationary) and a 7-second cooldown. Typically, it should be possible to destroy 7-9 eggs during each control period as a result. Calm Dragonkin is a long-range, targetted ability that puts a single Dragonkin to sleep for 30 seconds. It is an instant cast, and thus it is possible to sleep 1-2 Dragonkin in between destroying each pair of eggs in sequence, if used on targets that in range and in LoS while Razorgore is being moved to the next egg. Fireball Volley is a long-range, untargetted ability that affects all (or nearly all) of the Orc and Dragonkin mobs in the chamber on every use. Each will be hit for a fireball doing ~1000 damage, disrupting any existing CC, and generating a large amount of additional hate aimed at Razorgore. This ability is used once or twice during Phase 1c to draw aggro from all the mobs in the chamber onto Razorgore, and is *NOT* used before then. To simplify the use of Razorgore's Calm Dragonkin ability, the Controller should make a macro to assist the designated hunter and immediately cast the Calm Dragonkin ability. It can be of the following form: If desired, the Controller may also make macros to use the Destroy Egg and Fireball Volley abilities; to do this, replace the numeral 5 in the CastPetAction() call with a 4 or 6, respectively. The Controller must destroy eggs as his first priority, and calm dragonkin (when a target is indicated by the Assist) as a second priority. Ideally, the Controller should destroy 8-9 eggs during each of the first 3 control periods, and thus should begin the 4th control period with 4 to 6 eggs remaining. When each control period ends, Razorgore will aggro onto the Controller, so the Controller may wish to move Razorgore away just before each period ends, for safety. NOTE: regardless of your assigned task, all players should keep in mind that it is better to kite and survive than stand still and die during Phase 1. If you have unshakeable aggro from enemy mobs, and the only way to survive is to begin kiting, do so!
  4. I've only begun to read this but it seems to have A LOT of helpful info.
  5. Indianapolis
  6. Seems like most guilds get multiple tanks to do the agro trains. Have a druid chain sleep one mobs the entire time with a lock to back them up with fear. DPS on the orc mages.
  7. Well, I'm not exaclty sure how it bypasses the first phase but heres my guess. DI Razorgore. The mobs run away and the enchounter basically resets. But when DI breaks you can start all over without the mobs spawning. Which will leave, killing the 3 guys again (maybe and possibly the eggs) and then Razorgore himself. Weather we try it out on a last attempt it will give us pratice for the Razor fight itself since we haven't really gotten to do that at all either. I'd be down for trying it on a last attempt, but we definately need to do it 'the right way'.
  8. Here where I got the DI Razorgore thing I was talking about in guild chat last night. I don't think we should do it, because ultimately it will probably be deemed an exploit then we'd be back to square one on getting him down. But either way... DI Razorgore. Thats F'in hilarious. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...ns&T=301641&P=1
  9. I hope you aren't suggesting no booze!
  10. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...mp=1#post269773
  11. Boobs!
  12. David Hasselhoff!
  13. http://news.com.com/Create+an+e-annoyance,...22491&subj=news Discuss with your true identity.
  14. OMG did last night piss me off. I don't think I couldnt have died any sooner too. Second AoE knocked me back just over the lava for almsot no damage. While running back around on the edge of AoE KD range (which I swear to god I was outside its range since my feet were in the lava), I got blasted high enough up to fall for 5100+ damage. I landed in the lava and my body was floating jsut below the top of the lava. I had enough time to triple check my health meter (5189hp) before I landed, in case I needed to pop a HS, and apparently I needed too. :/ I'm not attacking until 90% from now on. Awesome work everyone! I think its safe to say... FP + MC = Farming!
  15. The party in my pants asploded. http://gear.ign.com/articles/679/679235p1.html
  16. Joesf

    War Effort

    LMAO I love you new sig Gynis
  17. 5:00
  18. Lmao, at first I thought you meant you were on X. Then i remember this is the WoW forums. /hangs head
  19. Update. I think lag only helped if you continued to play through it. IE, you haven't seen you spell finish casting but the cast timer is up, so you jsut cast again without it visually finishing. Kind of like playing blind.
  20. Vomit
  21. Chaps!
  22. BEER! Muahha
  23. LOL Gryph, you have Salvation on...
  24. A lot of threads in the Raid and Dungeon WoW forums saying BWL has been nerfed and\or is easier because its not as laggy.
  25. Hehe. In one run Stormhelm has more Might pieces than me Scrapes, we've had like 6-7 OEB drop in the past 5 runs or so. This was the second time we got 2 on one run. So, you'll probably get one soon enough. /tanks with 2handers
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