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Everything posted by Stormhelm

  1. bomberman!
  2. Wooot !!!!! now if it snows will it stay on the ground /loot snowball Seasons would be cool to.
  3. tires>wires>eng.
  4. Yep all i got left is Lbrs, Strath ad Maraudon BRD is not hard i got it w/o dying no prob. (Run in grab and run out before the door closes.) ZF avoid aggro and its simple. For ST you either need to run fast! or have a steath pot or 2 every time you can take a left (left more staircase) run up turn left after the first lot of dragons then another left into another group and the elder is standing there. LBRS is gunna be hard for me seeing as i have no idea where im going .
  5. Just bring Vin "Dez"el well do fine . mmm "scourge appearing in unlikely places" *turns around*
  6. your mom! does my new avatar work?
  7. sink Seige is right...(for this post) I used it on the Uca forums so..
  9. omg! so cool
  10. orc dance> cant touch this!
  11. lamp!
  12. 20 hykos been there, done that. hehe now the real question is have YOU been through the dark portal!
  13. Stormhelm

    Concerning ZG

    yay more rep ;p! /starts new sign up for zg plz!
  14. thanks heli ... /resists tar /frostshock helicon word: rogue>rouge>Red>blood>helicon
  15. Storm pwns
  16. Omg esteb learn2heal
  17. correction marbo message bently!
  18. sept were in FP and we have cool people so that dosn't count for us!
  19. in the wise words of stric9: "TASTE IT!!UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"
  20. Rage>my arrows!
  21. Ready's idea ftw!
  22. emote!
  23. orgy > blue monday (good song!)
  24. young
  25. Air tax!
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