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Everything posted by Stormhelm

  1. say wha?
  2. I have a scare on my knuckles from getting shot from 1foot seeing as it was orange paint i didnt even know i was bleeding till after the round.
  3. Joe is right.
  4. why not?
  5. <3 100km/h highways up here + 8-20 lane 401 FTW!
  6. um um um Warrior: 1 Nerf 2 Nerf 3 Nerf 4 Nerf 5 Sweeping Strikes nerfs the other nerfs.
  7. Stormhelm


    I concure with Tea
  8. Get an epic car you nubs
  9. ok!
  10. Ironforge.
  11. She Did. Arty stole it.
  12. only..
  13. your own personal jesus (Heli.... Stop it!)
  14. LIeS!
  15. Um 10 Years from WC3 to WoW and Several from Wc2 > 3 + thats the whole VC/Difias quest line talking about the rebuilding of SW
  16. sack
  17. sack
  18. full house
  19. Fooseball
  20. how the.... ah Gar your scaring me... <looks over sholder>
  22. OMg... GnR NiN and AC/|/DC fonts oo and Futurama omg Gryph your FTW! Lol Bently thats where I got all my fonts from but Gryph's has cool stuff i have been trying to find! Already had Matrix and Lotr / Halo fonts from Bents link tho
  23. 157 forum trolls and one nub where is Heli anyway? On a real note as soon as Miroku gets to reading your post... you are going to be asked for a few horde only things and WELCOME! and yes Stang is FTMFW! but so is the rest of FP sept heli who is ftmfwbduc (last word is canada)
  24. nerf
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