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Everything posted by Stormhelm

  1. Hey Exist Im still here along with Will/Marb/Este/Key/Stang..ect.
  2. o m f g f p f t m f w!!!!!!!!
  3. yea i see este, gunna fix er in my new! photoshop. Also thats tbe GnR font.... but didnt show up as I hoped.
  4. Grats Hin! you deserve it!
  5. Stormhelm

    Sig Working?

    look down. edit: no I forgot we had a preview button. note the Gun and Rose.
  6. didnt i write grats here already? GRATS! Nub.
  7. I think ill post a pic with dagorian in it.
  8. all of Herodes posts: Light Give me strength! thats funny.
  9. 1000 words
  10. who wants to see a shot of standard ui!
  11. O M F G WOOT (i hate the warrior enchant tho...) This also gives more reason to do Jindo and Bloodlord!
  12. bye!
  13. SHoop! /miss /wave
  15. few. Least I dont have to respec now. Seems to me that Warrs got semibuffed and Mages got seminerfed.
  16. hmm... ideas,ideas,ideas
  17. give or
  18. Ninjo 60 Undead Rogue was doing a mage quest in Dustwallow and was 1/2 way through he came up as I was fighting a spawn and broght me down to 100 hp then stunned me to let me die to the mob.
  19. oval 3
  20. omg ... stop posting! +1
  21. i cant figure how he got too if.
  22. Stormhelm


    «Long life Stormhelm.» <my friends and i have an on going joke about me and immortallity When you say Stormhelm you've said it all.» «Stormhelm - One name. One legend.» haha: «High life with Wtf.» «fpftmfw! strikes back.»
  23. F.P.F.T.M.F.W! o.r.o.h.o.*.i r.o.r.e.t.*.n g.p......h.* o.h......e.* t.e...... r.* t.t..........* e.s n
  24. NInja! was it Dez?
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