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Everything posted by Stormhelm

  1. wow thats some nice photoshopping
  2. cordless/rechargable/laser ftw
  3. This is no joke: I dont mind getting ganked. See somtimes I try and get my self ganked intentionally. If you get ganked then you either wait patiantly till they get bored then stalk them or have some fun and try and kill them with rez health . I havnt heard that song in a long time lol. edit: It's even more fun when you gank people after they gank you or fear/aggro mobs before you die and they die to the mobs.
  4. ^ copy and paste ftw eh stric
  5. /ignore esteban
  6. I disagree Heli from game every 2 seconds: Stormhelm says: ****** Someone says: ****** Heliacon says: <insert sentance involving Me and Canadian here>
  7. yay grats welcome to the uber tanking wep club (runs away from all the quels with his bloodlords defender in hand)
  8. Hey Jude!
  9. norton
  10. 3min / the ammount of time Miroku has spent farming * the ammount of things he has accomplished = a number chuck norris can not count to.
  11. Sweet! and at page 60: The top post of the page Has belonged to me 15/60 times (If you do not include frost original post ) didn't count but Willas was 2nd Bottom of page belonged to Bently The most post in a row on top/bottom of pages consecutivly is a tie Bently and me 3 ea. do not question why i counted
  12. kin>gynis
  13. cool touch screen tec ftw!
  14. this is what its like when worlds collide!
  15. Earth>Moon>kin>gynis!
  16. you cant abuse wow it lives and breaths..!
  17. Stormhelm


    I think it says Naxxramas at the top to
  18. north pole
  19. there are arrows and then there is the pet.. GL miro!
  20. the matrix(there is no spoon)
  21. took a while but thats funny!
  22. Its still hilarious... dam ghost didnt see your post
  23. tummy>tutubi>kasis>shoop>dr00d>hvil word: Hvil!
  24. Like I said to you in game Key, GRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and like I said in game FPFTMFW!
  25. Grats Miz! /+1
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