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Everything posted by Stormhelm

  1. aww thanks key word: KeyBoy=FTMFW
  2. Reindeer>heart
  4. More fury loots?!
  5. wow talk about increbible survival.
  6. 3 fast 3 furious?
  7. Stormhelm


    sorry i couldnt come este Glad you had fun
  8. You loose 50 DKP for every time you say F***
  9. woot going again right this moment later guys
  10. questionable content
  11. as someone famous once said FPFTMFW
  12. this, is, my, boomstick!
  13. the only people i can this other stuff useful for is healers.. and possibly tanks.. but me nope.
  14. Im a warriors so: no buffs, gatherer isnt very helpful when your someone who wanders around aimlessly anyway, I like blizz's ui, "G" is set to assist...I also have a macro Maps are fully explored and its not like im gunna get lost in an instance and i rely on others when im dpsing in 40 mans and when im tanking i just hit the sunder button just to add to that, i use the blizz ui to its fullest every button full, macro used and 4 diferent types of chat windows: deaths,loot,xp,honor / chat / hits (hidden) / combat
  15. omg Me on top of IF that was like only the fifth odd time i was there !
  16. Stormhelm


    omg logitech...even tho mine seems broken at the moment
  17. I use nothing but stardard blizz UI!
  18. Kentucky
  19. then you lose
  20. polar bear
  21. monarchy
  22. these all will be won by people with no lives >< why isnt there a <Skill per time played> catigory or honor or somthing ><
  23. no.
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