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Everything posted by Dagorian

  1. I think the post gunsmoke made is vital.. if you're new at it and still learning the encounters.. threat reduction wherever possible should be applied... it'll make life easier but as we get more experienced, respecs can be made in the future.
  2. Bentley is FP's mascot... there all solved! It justifies his postage and makes us all feel better that he's exceeding our post counts!
  3. yea.. ravenheart kept my updated via text msgs... awesome feat guys! is it gonna be regular now i.e. 2 groups everytime?
  4. i like the vanish idea from this strat... anything to help agro control would be great. maybe when the MT is about to blow... all classes, i.e. hunters, priests and rogues, that hv threat-reducing abilities should use'em to ensure that one of the tanks in line get agro?
  5. zomg... i hv egan's blaster too... how did you get it to whack?!?! awesome!
  6. rofl... oompa loompas... !! big ones i might add!
  7. Wah... nice pics erlin!! Cari ftw... that dps is crazee!!
  8. Dude... come back! We miss your l33tness. >.<
  9. First off... /respect Beorn! We had loads of drops this run (30+) and it aint easy to keep track of'em, let alone type it up in the whee hours of the morning. Secondly, grats to all the loot winners! Getting pimped out is one of the perks of long raiding sessions! And last but not least... zomg... awesome effort and grats to everyone for this full MC clear (Luci-Rag) in under 6 hours. Hard but worth it; not many guilds pull thru with this and we hv so kudos! All bosses were wtfpwned on first attempts... our long sessions of attempts, farming for mats, sticking up for each other and, of course, all you awesome prophets hv really shown how polished we hv become. The past week has confirmed FP as a MC farming guild as well as an upcomer in the halls of BWL! Let's keep it up! Grats again!!
  10. ROFL. You look like some kinda tribal dancer! Grats again bro!
  11. 34 Dagorians! 1 Vertlene! Too many Daggys!
  12. Druidium Lite is out! Epij's UI has been updated for 1.9 too. I hv d/l'd both but yet to install them.
  13. wow... wanted to edit my previous post but i posted a quote instead. i'm ftl.
  14. YAY! Awesome guys! K now that ZG is all done for us... could siegey pls make ZG later like evening so i can make it too! =P Grats guys!!
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