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Everything posted by Dagorian

  1. Woot finally a dr00d with the lava dredger... grats eni-awesome-gami!! /hug /cheer Sorry i didnt see it... WPL is so dark... >.<
  2. w00t! awesome felz!! u been workin damn hard for this rep! i was just reading thru the bosses... they yell... might attract unwanted attention =( either way... more world content coming our way!
  3. zomg!!!!! GRATS!!!!!!!!!!!! /hug /pat /highfive awesome... simply awesome!!
  4. Dagorian

    Druid spec?

    Hey dr00d brother! Here at FP we dont enforce specs on our members... altho it'd be awesome if your spec would contribute to the raid in some way, at the end of the day... you hv to be happy! So basically... go with what YOU want! We're here to give feedback and FP will make it work! I think Hvilelos is 30 feral and 21 resto as well... it has awesome potential for both pve and pvp. Looking at your spec... you're trying to cover all 3 areas as a feral druid: 21 points resto to make as effective a healer as possible, some points in feral that contributes to dire bear and some for cat form. I'm just curious... are you more of a pvp'er or pve'er? If you intend to pve with your druid, you'll probably find yourself offtanking and a backup primary healer so i'd use this: http://www.wowhead.com/talent/?MZxTxscM0xVg0Vco Furor imo is a must hv for any feral druid... dont worry about imotw... all our resto druids hv it. Ur feral abilities are focused on dire bear and ur healing abilities create less agro with some perks here and there. If you're more of a pvp'er, i'd try this: http://www.wowhead.com/talent/?zZxGMssbdxVEb0co Focused more on cat abiliies anf of course FF. Healing abilities are less important.. nature's focus, NS and imp. rejuv are all u'll need so the rest contribute towards feral. Naturally.. you can can still pve and pvp with either of those specs... but they're just a little more specialised towards one side. If you're goin for a total hybrid... ur current spec looks good... i'd go for furor tho... insta rage + FC is awesome for PvP and if ur tanking in MC or get punted in while in caster form... u can FC back down without losing health! The only thing i've noticed is that the 9/11/31 which was the hybrid spec back in the day... cannot be imitated very well post 1.8... druids are being forced to specialise so hybrid specs are less effective than they use to be in terms of pve and pvp.
  5. its gonna be a pain the ass to attain i bet... btw... its a druid weapon erlin! >.< here's my justification... imagine we're on a hard-ass boss... healers are low on mana... druids innervates priests; priests are back in the game. mages can do their mana regen thingie if they hv points in arcane; locks can lifetap and they're all back in the game hence, this staff would allow us to bring a priest back into the game as well as ourselves! hah!
  6. zomg.. shotgun!!! all mine! muahaha... that is pretty sweet
  7. NA hv released a brief rundown of Lethon. Lethon is the hardest of the 4 emerald dragons... and we've tried him before... t'was scary! Anyway here's the quote: link: http://na.iogaming.com/
  8. http://www.forgottenprophets.com/phpBB2/vi...topic.php?t=639
  9. We've had a few FPs in a PUG led by Vehement take down Kazzak before... generally seen as a 30-man raid... he's easy... raiders just hv to keep their cool... high dps and some nice healing... he doesnt even seem like a worthy outdoor raidboss. The thing is... most guilds know when they last killed an outdoor raid boss.. but most bosses hv a spawn-timer between 3-5 days so you cannot really plan ahead. This is to prevent major guilds monopolising the bosses.
  10. zomg awesome... when was this?
  11. I reckon pallies should be healing all out during this fight apart from 1 or 2 trying to OOC which would be damn hard. Just like pally healing in PvP... you guy can take some nice dmg and last longer than priests and druids in general.
  12. I'm not going to run past our strat... most of us hv heard it on vent or read about it. The biggest problem we've faced with our strat is that the one thing that keeps the raid up is also the very thing that can potentially lead us to wipe - healing. There're so many mobs that keeping aggro under control is literally impossible so healers hv to keep heals to a minimum but the thing is is that this encounter is chaotic and often things that can go wrong will go wrong and we end up hving to chuck heals and the whole cascading effect beings. =/ The problem with 4 corner groups is that if their healer falls... who's gonna keep the group up? The other corner groups hv their hands full and are out of range anyway... healers at the altar hv to keep the training warrior up as well as keep the altar clear. If one healer comes to aid the group that lost its healer.. he'll probably drop pretty quick too. There're too many stray mobs to keep under control in my opinion. I remember listening to Mistica talking about their Razor strat... they didnt reveal everything but their strat is similiar to thge strat Bentley posted in the OP. The 4 corner group has worked before and worked last time... we just didnt hv enough to take on Razor... we got past the 1st stage several times... so i suppose it just takes more practice. But i was thinking that we contract the corner groups a bit more towards the centre of the room... there's a rectangle in the centre of the room... and if we contract the groups to each corner of this rectangle we'd be a lot closer together allowing cross-group heals to save ass and distribute healin agro a bit more. It also creates an enclosed area for healers and casters. Also.. it keeps healers further away from the spawn points of mobs i.e. melee on the outer side of the rectangle and healers inside. The training Warrior just runs around the group on the outside. Also... an important note should be made... never dot a dragonspawn... if its causing problems.. chances are it will be slept very soon.
  13. Dagorian

    Fridays MC

    The next MC run is Mon. which will be Domo + Rag. Thurs. MC would normally be Fri. MC i guess... .
  14. ZOMG Guys... everyone who was involved in this raid... awesome, just awesome! Everything from effort to execution (Especially Sulfuron =P)... despite our late start, we hv done Luci -> Golemagg in one go for the 2nd time... and will be clearing MC again in less than 2 days - an awesome feat!! Grats to all the lootwinners (especially you locks =P)... you guys deserve it! The Guild's Early X-mas Gifts to all of you!! Haha. Altho we're a casual guild... we've shown time and time again.. that we hv an uber hardcore side!! Best of both worlds! Let's keep this up!!
  15. I can make MC. I'm not sure about Onyxia... i was almost confirmed for the usual 6.30pm but now much less of a chance showing up - put me in oveflow for onyxia and if i dont show up its 'cos i'ma sleepin =)
  16. Noooooooooo!! /cry Damn you RL, Damn you! This blows man... i hope that someday soon you'll realise you still need the FP-dose to survive and come back to this game... !! Until then... good luck brother!
  17. http://www.bshosting.net/images/hybr1d/HumorousCard-0022.jpg I know, I know... it ain't Christmas yet... and New Year's is still some time away... but i've started sending out greetings via snail mail and e-mail so i'm in a bit of a cheery mood.. hence... I wish all of you l33t prophets a wonderful Christmas with your friends, loved ones, families... !! And since the possibility is high that between Christmas and New Year's that i won't be online as much i.e. just to play WoW and less forum trolling (/cry) and of course in case i forget... have AN AWESOME NEW YEAR'S !!! Party on, rock on, sleep on... whatever suits your fancy! I hope that 2006 brings you a great year and, of course, good luck and success in whatever you set out to achieve!! May 2006 also bring us some more awesome moments in the realms of Warcraft that we will forever remember!! Cheers guys! <3 Dag.
  18. Someone move this into Raid Strat... its a good read! Nice work Bent!
  19. I just had to link it... that thread is priceless =D
  20. yea.. talent calc at wow.com is a bitch... this one looks sexieee!
  21. Yea.. i heard this too.. but i thought he was on some remote island... no idea tho.
  22. rofl!!! that was awesome!
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