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Posts posted by Klaudia

  1. Or we could end starvation by sterilizing the folks in third world countries popping out 17 malnourished kids before they are 30.


    i think this is a good idea. i wrote an essay once on why donating to UNICEF is pointless. needless to say it was epic. screw you, peter singer. who by the way would be thrilled with the idea of human milk.

  2. First off, no, I do not feed live anything to my snakes. All my animals are fed frozen/thawed prey items. Also--snakes cannot eat anything BUT other animals. Their digestive system is not designed for plants. They are strictly carniverous. A snake eating other animals is different from a human abusing animals.


    you do realize that those feeding animals are bred specifically to be killed, frozen, and shipped off to feed pet snakes? in mass quantities? do you think the people who raise tens of thousands of quails and rats and mice knowing they are just going to becoming food treat them with any sort of recognition? we used to feed mice fetuses to our baby snakes. i have no idea how they GET mice fetuses, but i can only imagine! they were pretty cute though! if you really think a snake eating other animals is different [better?] than i would think letting the snake eat live animals would be more reasonable.

  3. intents, yes. woops.

    She has, but I think it has more to do with the fact that she was an unexpected choice than anything else. The news media doesn't like when things happen that they didn't predict. It's quite a shock to them, so they have to discuss it for weeks nonstop. It might also have something to do with the fact that she's such a different pick than Obama's. He goes with a not very exciting standard old-white-guy-long-time-politician pick which goes totally against his Change mantra, and McCain, for better or worse, picks someone out of left field (errr right field? in this case).


    And I hope you mean "re-watching" Firefly...


    yer, knowing the news they probably had all sorts of dirt ready on all his possible picks but now they're scrambling to dig up stuff on her because she was a surprise pick. like all the nonsense about her daughter. because that has to do with politics.



    lol @ right field

  4. basically just click the kitten you think is cuter. my philosophy prof sent me this which makes it all the more amusing.







    this cat has lost many battles


  5. I don't dispute that he has talked 'change' for months but what exactly about this 'promise of change' is prompting you to go his way? I've heard CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE for 6 months from him but I still haven't heard what he plans to do and how it is different than the status quo.


    oh no, don't read that as me supporting him. please, i beg you. i think its annoying as shit. like, what the hell is that even supposed to mean? change hooray! guess what! no matter who is in office, shits gonna change! ugh. i need to go vomit now.


    so much for not saying anything nice XDD

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