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Posts posted by Klaudia

  1. Let's get back to what is really important... How come FP Canada gets a home-made WoW cake and I'm still waiting on my BWLayer cake!?


    ... as soon as i figure out how to build a dragon out of cake.. which evidently, has taken 4+ years so far!!


  2. now that i'm recovered from the typical college night let me clarify what i am saying:


    i believe it is important for us as a guild to discuss issues, even touchy ones, in the open to allow everyone to share their opinions to come up with the best solution to these issues. it is important to remember that this is a social environment, and in order to better the environment for its users we should make sure all users are aware of issues addressed.

    i am not fond of the method of politics which dissects and analyzes problems behind closed doors and releases only the solution to the public. this may seem like a orderly, streamline approach to governing a social environment [and typically works for the US government], however in order for everyone to truly feel comfortable, welcome, and important, everyone's open positions should be welcomed, even on the toughest issues.

  3. /shrug


    of course i've discussed all of my issues with fp with tom, and everyone else in d'ville for that matter. i've been talking to them about my issues since we started raiding way back when. but its ancient stuff really, back when i was having issues raiding MC and BWL. i guess i'm just personally jaded because i wasn't treated so well back then. to be completely honest, i myself am afraid to post my own opinions on this forum on guild politics or to talk with higher ups because although i have a lot to say on how we can improve on various topics and i really did care about making positive contributions, my efforts were never taken seriously, so i just don't bother anymore. personal feelings blended with guild politics and that's what really left me disheartened about fp.


    my point here is, and maybe this was just with me, but i have never felt comfortable with voicing my opinion because my opinion has time and time again been disregarded.

  4. my point, as illustrated by above "quip", is that on these forums and through hearsay, its damn near impossible to assume someone's tone and true intentions in their wording. because you know.. its the internet. not real life, where you can, you know, actually read people's behavior. i don't know where you find a snarky tone in raroy's post because all i see is "hey guys im moving on" and i'm an expert at overanalyzing every word people say trust me on that one.


    ...which leads me to believe, which has from what i've heard [again, all gossip of course] happened plenty of times and we ALL know it, is raroy probably had a disagreement with higher ups and there ya go there's the hostility. but i don't know for certain so if not, i just made an excellent rumor!


    and while i'm on my late night soapbox, i think its crucial for us as a guild to talk about issues in the open, not go whining to higher ups [which i can't even do cause they all hate me] we should be able to discuss and argue our points freely and not have to worry about facing expulsion for disagreeing with the GMs.


    but.. ya know.. no one cares what i think, mainly because i am a girl

  5. Me playing more because I can now [eventually] kill FP members doesn't make Blizz any more money. The amount of time that I play doesn't affect how much money they make, because I'm not going to cancel my account even if I only log on an hour a week to harass people. So from a business standpoint, like ilDuce said, it doesn't seem to benefit them. It may draw more people into playing, but I can't really see it as a selling point for new subscriptions.


    There's also going to be some communication loopholes [log off log on 'stop killing me please + profanities'] which should be pretty interesting..

  6. i dunno about this but i'm gonna audition for the part of KLAUDIA, the super-extreme-awesome-lowattentionspan BATTLEMAGE who saved all of eastern kingdoms from defias bryce and dedicated her life to fighting the scourge with the ~scarlet crusade~

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