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Posts posted by Klaudia

  1. I have a clip of Dez and Darcy singing 'Why do birds.... suddenly appear....' that makes Kobah leave the vent server and then a solo rendition of 'I will Survive' with a little back up from Benny, if only I could host it somewhere.


    ... did that really happen??

  2. Greenland was named by Erik the Red, an exile who wanted to attract people to a new colony.



    True BUT Erik the Red was the father of Leif Eriksson, and Leif Eriksson discovered the world, so if it weren't for him, we wouldn't even be here. Also, October 9th is Leif Eriksson day, mark your calendars. What is this post about again?

  3. This thread is going places.


    Today's date on the Mayan calendar is My how close we are coming to, the last b'ak'tun of our time before we undergo a paradigm shift (or apocalypse). /brings marshmallows.



    now the question is.... what are you going to do for the next four years?

  4. Janice Dickenson is old, 95% plastic, and has a terrible attitude.


    That being said... I would still hit it.


    janice dickinson is the most terrifying person on earth. shes not even a person, she was born out of the fiery depths of hell and.. i can't go any further cause she'll track me down and eat my soul.

  5. oh siggy... i guess i have to support you!


    just kidding. steven has definitely shown a lot of serious interest in raiding and i think is eager to show that hes worthy =] i think he'd be a great addition.

  6. man you people are weird! i don't spend a lot of time thinking about people and their clothes. or people without their clothes for that matter.


    anywayzzzzz, i've been thinkin about this cause apparently some friends are going to be givin it a shot and i heard a rumor that their crafting system would be kinda similar to lotr before they fracked it up. although that information may be entirely inaccurate.

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