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Posts posted by Klaudia

  1. that was an excellent post. its interesting that such tiny creatures would be packed with every sort of defense AND offense possible...... and by interesting, i mean terrifying, and i am never leaving the house again.


    i skipped the bot flies part o_o which was probably a good idea on my behalf.

  2. I have literally never shopped at Walmart. Ever.


    There are all sorts of political/community reasons to avoid them like the plague, but honestly? I've just never had any reason to go near the place.


    Thanks for confirming what I already suspected...The company sucks donkey :down:


    i second this, except for when i am dragged in there by tommy "i don't know what you got against walmart, they haven't done anything to you" d. but yeah, they are an unethical company imo. my dad calls it "scarymart" haha and refuses to go in there. he got chased by a clown the one time he did!!!

  3. well for the most part i know how to do stuff inside computers but not outside.. its like being a psychologist instead of a doctor! although if i were a doctor, i would suggest getting a screwdriver and unscrewing all the screws and screwin around with all the innards. its interesting to see what connects to what. arm bone connected to the...... elbone!


    i'm somewhat familiar with css & building sites and whatnot, so if you're into that i could potentially help you out! my metaphor for this is like the alien codes.. you write it down and it builds the ship! the aeroship!


    in any case.... http://www.w3schools.com/ is a good website to poke around at; they have lots of tutorials and references and the like.


    ....... its 3am, so please excuse any unnecessaries in this post.

  4. Eh gossip becomes rumor , and rumor just get's twisted around into something like Sam Jackson had sex with a shark and they had an offspring, and that offspring has the body of a shark, but head of Sam Jackson.... for the life of me I can't figure out how i came up with that one.


    what you mean is, my sig is awesome.

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