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Everything posted by TitanX

  1. thats probably one of the most messed up things i have ever seen 9/10 good work
  2. TitanX

    Do you gank?!?

    last night around 3 am me and a 61 tauren shammy went head to head 3 times, duel style lol i pounded him into the ground everytime and a couple minutes later i get a whisper from a lvl 1 NE war saying "i hate you" it was the shammy lol, we talked about pvp for an hour afterwards
  3. TitanX


    soma is my hero lol
  4. crazy french people, go figure
  5. that IS funny
  6. TitanX

    Hello, FP

    i believe its a ship, boats are for fishermen.
  7. what? lost points?! people like that should be recorded more often that was hilarious lol
  8. 8/10 good creativity
  9. now thats stand up
  10. who says youd have to look up
  11. excuse me as i go clean my pants
  12. the multiple sets for some classes is sick, and a very good idea
  13. i saw that walking into a gas station the other morning, and ive never laughed so hard, so early in the morning before
  14. im still wearing shorts, you know nothing of cold!
  15. zedek is my hero
  16. blue and white bus? nursing home
  17. TitanX


    i remember that from my highschool psychology class!
  18. TitanX

    Red Sox Hate

    id say the same thing for some average joe actor, but at his lvl a lot of actors have perferences in their roles so /shrug
  19. TitanX

    Red Sox Hate

    thats why hes the man
  20. i hate you
  21. they did that with the WC2 map because of the naval vessels useable in the game. the maps go with the game type id say. WC1, land units and movement, WC2, land and sea travel, and back to mainly land movement in WoW again
  22. TitanX

    i forgot!

    yay i became a member and never posted here! well i am and the only reason i notcied this is because i cant see everything in the forums! so if someone could help me out that would be hawt! thx!
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