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Everything posted by TitanX

  1. thats gonna be awesome.
  2. greatest. day. ever.
  3. TitanX


    venison steaks and WoW, great combo
  4. TitanX

    Who Voted?!

    voted 630 this morning. number 28 at my polling station! no waits here
  5. thats a story for the grandchildren
  6. why am i not doing this all the time.
  7. TitanX

    Hey UFC peoples!

    that fight was ridiculous. that one point of hilarity doesnt show how much the guy in the white ran around like a pussy and got rocked the whole fight. the guy in the black apologized at the end of the fight for it being soo bad.
  8. less global warming. more viking hats. kthxbai
  9. TitanX

    Update: 2.4.2

    Dragon! Stop making sense!
  10. When i was like 2 my mom and brother were riding bikes on a bike path by our house. I was on a baby seat on the back of my mom's bike and my brother decided cutting off my mom was a good idea. Well, someone decided it was a good idea for a 5 ft. deep ditch next to the path, and guess who landed in it? Yea, explains a lot actually... Slept through the whole thing.
  11. maybe the bears name is biscuit? damn bears.
  12. Its been a real privilege to have spent this much time in FP with such great people. Happy birthday FP!
  13. klaudia's sig suggests she's already created animal-human species. they're stealing your glory!
  14. loofa hit the nail on the head. with so many varieties of pie, youd have to be crazy not to vote for it. though, id be deeply saddened if i could never have cheesecake again. then again, cheesecake's composition is remarkably like.. whats that? pie! cheesecake is mine!
  15. TitanX


    this thread went from bad to awesome so fast. happy easter!
  16. I better check to make sure your results are correct...
  17. lawlawlawl
  18. epic video clip is epic
  19. funny, as i have been able to see it the whole time. good job ecth!
  20. Jesus would have wanted you to laugh at that
  21. TitanX

    funny stuff

    greatest. thread. ever.
  22. bot fly under my skin. or a million army ants ripping my flesh apart. i choose bot fly thank you.
  23. wilco- sky blue sky sufjan stevens- chicago kings of convenience- misread i dont know if you'll like em, but i love em!
  24. resil wasnt applied to the S1/S2 gear because ret paladins had so many different stats necessary on their gear. only reason S3 received resil is because spell damage and healing was removed, which isnt really needed for ret anyways. its only right that its added to S1/S2 with the str increase, basically balancing the gear
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