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Everything posted by TitanX

  1. S1/S2 ret gear didnt have it to begin with.the thing is theyre reitemizing this gear to be more like S3 ret, and it fails because of no resil
  2. i tried to hate it, i really did. but i like it! craaazy ronald.
  3. kinda wish there was some resil on the s1/s2 though.
  4. what just happened? i blacked out.
  5. so are they saying all the S1 and S2 ret gear with be like S3? and other "ret" items will be reworked the same way? if so, i might cry tears of happiness
  6. 32 of the little brats. and i have a 57% chance of surviving a zombie apocalypse. neat.
  7. before i realized this was donald trump i thought this was a story from my area about a year ago. this guy always wen to the same Applebees, always talked to the same waitress for like 10 years. one day he leaves her a 10000 tip. and thats just some average joe.
  8. TitanX

    The Book thread

    im a huge kurt vonnegut fan. breakfast of champions and timequake are my favorites.
  9. TitanX


    Wilco's newer cd, Sky Blue Sky. its ridiculous
  10. TitanX

    Free moneyz

    wow, you walked right into that, oh man!
  11. Marth, nuff said
  12. baby steps dragon, baby steps
  13. TitanX


    as much as i disliked them in the past ive only heard good things about the saturns. my stepbrother bought one and that means a lot ( did tons of research and testdriving), besides that, he a cheap bastard, and overall found it to be more bang for his buck. toyotas and hondas are basically the same, which is very reliable and good with mileage and stuff.
  14. id love to see that on TV lol
  15. FP forums have hit a new low
  16. the world needs more people like this guy
  17. TitanX


    id buy it. wait, i wouldnt even want to play as a Canadian. no thanks
  18. TitanX

    Buh Bye FP : (

    this makes me sad. president kibai for life.
  19. TitanX

    I apologize.

    man, i remember hunter drama! /amused
  20. greatest video ever. i love watching babies get kicked
  21. nooo shaaaame
  22. lawlawlawl
  23. i thought strength was great for a hunter until around lvl 40ish, and barely had any agility. i didnt figure out how growl worked or used it til 55. yea.... i was a noob.
  24. ooohhh Four Square! i used to play that when i was younger. was awesome til someone started adding ridiculous rules and of course, chicken legs
  25. doesnt goose die?
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