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Everything posted by Beornwarrior

  1. Racial "The Fall of Humanity": Feign death which may trick enemies into ignoring you. Any threat is restored versus enemies still in combat upon cancellation of this effect. 5min cooldown. WTF Gift of the Naru might be worth casting now but IMO they need to get rid of the Perception, War stomp, etc type of racials.
  2. Whhhhhhhhuuut! Happy bday Ghost!
  3. Jen ftw
  4. Her voice is so bad. Don't save her Raven...not worth it imo.
  5. Weird...but makes sense for you raiding people
  6. Maybe if they were being followed by torpedoes and countries were being taken out left and right I might have been interested in Phelps swimming. Feel like I'm missing something since literally everyone seems enthralled by him in the Olympics. Lets get some MMA in there.
  7. /agree Left4Dead I've been really looking forward to Castle Crashers for a long time. Need some more people for online coop amg. Dibs on Blue Knight. Trailer Overview of Game
  8. Beornwarrior


    My resto druid will be around
  9. Shiki has the best argument
  10. lol that was ftw
  11. http://vicissitude.net/Images/Guiness-Brilliant!.jpg
  12. Ehh the CG and humor was enjoyable but a little too corny. A plot with more thought than every other cookie cutter summer blockbuster would be nice but hey Michael Bay is at the helm. That's all you're going to get. On a more important note Even Stevens was an awesome show.
  13. rofl Razor Sharp is a beast
  14. rofl awesome
  15. There was no conspiracy =P that game was called fair. Patriots just sucked it up and the Giants defense was ridiculous. But, yes the more important thing is the EAGLES!! 25-0 next season
  16. Update on Obama's position... http://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle_blog/2...obama_wants_to_
  17. yeah that looks pretty fake...15 second cooldown on cyclone? mortal strike effects decreased by 10% with each heal? Sap can be used in combat but has a 15 second cooldown? yeah i don't think so
  18. Beornwarrior

    Random Fun

    rofl this post has proved immensely with a turn for randomness...i have nothing to add
  19. Not a fan of pre-ordering more grinding.
  20. Beornwarrior

    HV / Shiki

  21. I hadn't heard of this until I saw it on Kotaku but a 90min full length wow movie was released 2 days ago after being in production for the last 1.5 years. Tales of the Past deals with the scourge invasion, arthas, etc. The first film was all subtitles but still enjoyable. I highly recommend the second film (40 mins) as well. The level of coordination for the large scale battles is ridiculous and combining that with good writing and solid editing they've made a really solid film. It'll take a while to download especially since it just came out but this is a machinima that is definitely worth watching. Tales of the Past I (15min) Tales of the Past II (40min) Tales of the Past III (90min) Here is the first 2 minutes of the third film so you can see the quality of the work.
  22. Patch 2.4 Trailer WTB
  23. Same reasons as Nightwish here. Before HV got me into the metal scene I listened to Evanescence quite a bit. Briefly browsing youtube seems like all their new stuff is more mainstream and pretty lame. Following songs are from their first album I believe. Evanescence - My Immortal Evanescence - Going Under Bring Me To Life is another good song from them. I also listen to Blue Man Group and the Halo soundtrack quite a bit which may or may not be manly.
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