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Everything posted by Beornwarrior

  1. Wizards vs Cyborgs /punch wipe
  2. S.O.B.!
  3. lol awesome
  4. Beornwarrior

    First 80 ! :/

    That Athene trailer was amazing...going to have watch more of them. It's so over the top it's awesome.
  5. Colbert Report - Proprosition 8 Almost too much win here.
  6. I couldn't get Beorn on Monolith /sigh. I'm now Ironeye Beorn. Also, for Bob or anyone else who canceled their accounts you guys can still transfer your characters through account management. Do it just in case! Also! I'll be transferring the guild with one of my alts but we'll need 6 people to be around to reform it. Also also everyone has a 20% bonus to xp and renown gain for the next week that you lowbies should take advantage of.
  7. Woot! Server transfers went active today and Dagorian and I have already transferred to Monolith. For the other 2 FP people that sometimes play WAR go move your characters. Even if you're positive you wont come back...do it...in case you quit not coming back.
  8. i love the Japanese
  9. The Lead Designer/Producer (I believe that was his title) came to my college last semester and seemed to have a pretty good understanding of how MMOs should work. I really loved the first KOTOR and Bioware is a good company (new company doing the MMO in Texas but still labeled as Bioware) so I have hope for it. The screenshots look terrible and the companion system seems more suited for the traditional RPG but we'll see. Not too impressed with what I've seen so far but I have my fingers crossed.
  10. LOL awesome!
  11. fix the vent spying thread...now! or when you can get to it
  12. <3 jen
  13. Yahtzee is hilarious but he's obviously more of an entertainer; finding everything wrong with a game. Metacritic has it at 73% but I enjoyed it quite a bit more than that. It certainly has some targeting, camera, and knockdown issues but the visuals (artistically and technically) plus the execution of the general Star Wars type of story is enough to justify playing it. Story feels like a darker version of the original trilogy which Episode III kinda did and should have been in the first 2 (lots of cool little elements and references). It's also very short at around 5-6 hours which made it only worth a rental for me. Excluding the comedic Lego Star Wars, it's the best Star Wars game I've played since the first KOTOR. Here's an actual video review from an awesome gaming news company. Giant Bomb - The Force Unleashed Review
  14. Beornwarrior


    I am truly baffled that someone could not find Colbert funny. At the very least you must admit that his press president speech or his better know a district interviews are brilliant. Perhaps you are the people that somehow find Lewis Black's stereotypical Bush jokes, which can be funny!, hilarious simply because he screams them.
  15. hmm I remember watching a History Channel thing about building it. Pretty retarded as I recall as one would expect.
  16. Looking out of a 4 story window is more than high enough for me. http://theducks.org/pictures/do-not-want-dog.jpg
  17. The funny faucet needs to be turned on. And to be picky on a article that isn't supposed to be serious, HUDs have kinda gone the opposite direction towards minimalism.
  18. lol hooray for B movie writing/action. Pretty similar vibe/style as that full length WoW Machinima. Always thought Blizz should introduce more voice acting/in game cinematics. A better implemented narrative would definitely make PVE much more enjoyable for me. Hopefully Bioware and their KOTOR MMO will deliver on that front.
  19. Not sure if the 3d painting means being able to paint textures on a 3d model in photoshop but that would be almost too much. I'm no artist but having to paint model textures on flat UVs seemed retarded to me. Yay content aware scaling! Hopefully the college upgrades so I can try out that shizz.
  20. I just opened a gallon of milk, drank one glass, and then poured the rest down the drain in honor of this thread.
  21. No in Photoshop 4 yet? lame. wtb.
  22. Yeah I saw that live...it was wonderful.
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