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Everything posted by Fatherpeteus
I would love to join in, if there's room! Go Bears!
Love that keyboard!
If I were a business major, I would want to write a thesis on motivating Gen X/Gen Y employees (who are notoriously difficult for Baby Boomer managers to reach) using lessons learned in WoW. It intrigues me that players are willing to pay to farm murlocs or wipe on progression bosses over and over and over, when the rewards are no more tangible than pixels on a screen and virtual power-ups. I've toyed with the notion of rewarding completion of a big project with a chance to RTU for a flat-screen monitor or ergonomic office chair...
Haha awesome
Nice find GG!
looks pretty cool Fifi!
It might be more interesting if she included a teaser/sample from the book, so would-be donors could be captivated by her writing style. Or, you know, hot pics. She could steal randoms from porn sites or w/e, I'm sure they'd still get some nibbles!
The thing is there's no reason you can't have your Krispy Kreme without trans fat. It doesn't taste any better, or whatever. I gather the really nasty side-effect of trans-fat is heart attacks in people you would never think were unhealthy to look at them. They might be young and skinny, and then suddenly drop dead from a coronary occlusion. IMO, "OK in moderation" is for stuff like salt, carbs, calories, sugars and such that you actually need. Stuff that has significant downside and no upside, I'm cool with banning.
You mention wine, and yeah, I'm sure some would suggest banning it too, but that's a very different deal. As you say, wine is good for you in moderation. It's getting drunk that's bad for you. There's nothing about trans fats that is good for you. They are just a way cookie manufacturers and fast-food outlets cut corners to save money.
Calories in > Calories burned => Weight gain. And yeah, call me a flaming liberal or whatever, but parents who stuff their kids with ho-hos because they've trained the kid to be addicted to sugar and now it's a fight to make them eat anything else... I wouldn't say that's bordering on neglect. I wonder, what would the landscape be like if full-on junk food was treated like alcohol and cigarettes, made illegal until a child reaches the age of majority? I mean, obviously it wouldn't prevent them from rushing out to McDs on their 18th birthday... But at the same time, how many would have learned to appreciate healthy eating? Not to mention just plain getting a good start - A better chance at being healthy throughout their life?
Until I get out of this god-awful shiftwork job, it will sometimes conflict with raiding no matter what night we choose. I do have some flexibility (i.e. I can say no, I'm not working this Tuesday), but of course that has the downside of not getting paid. There's always a catch! Ball has started, and by next week it will be on to regular Mondays and Thursdays, with occastional Tues/Weds/Fris. Most games I can get home 8:30ish though, if I need to, but some of the Mon/Thurs games are late. So long story short, Sat and Sun are the best nights for me, Tue, Wed and Fri are high-percentage nights, and Mon and Thurs are probably 50% ish. Until I get out of this god-awful shiftwork job. Did I mention that already? O_o
That last pic is priceless
I have a screenshot (of Rotface down and our corpses piled around him like logs on a funeral pyre... or something! (And the three or four survivors running in place - lol) I'd be happy to email it to someone if it's of use!
Only the hot ones. Lindsey Vonn for example, can ride my hippo any time!
I got mine! It took getting hacked and having all of my toon's gear vendored (Bliz was good enough to restore the stuff, but what a scare!) to get me to move on it. Then it took a couple of weeks to actually find one, because they were sold out at the time! So don't make my mistake - Be proactive!
Infoworld looks really good Bang - Thanks for that! Being out of the racket for a while makes me feel lost - I need my fix of IT trends darnit!
Patch notes are also a good read! Here's a hidden gem: "Top-level helm and shoulder faction-related enchants are now available as Bind-on-Account items that do not require any faction to use once purchased (they still require the appropriate faction level to purchase)." An end to rep grinding for alts? Oh, and if you've still gotta grind, WotLK rep will be sped up by 30%
I know we have some folks around who work in IT, so I was wondering if any of you could point me to a good online periodical covering what's new in computing services and technology? Besides being genuinely interested in the field, I find myself needing to demonstrate that I'm staying current as my search to resurrect my 'real' career hits three years (ouch!) Any ideas are appreciated!
Wowhead has an interesting discussion of what's coming in the content patch - I found the new UI features interesting. Generate a vote to auto-kick a baddie from the group? lol! Oh, and Tier 10 armor sets, just in case someone cares
The hair pull-ee was cute! Same brunette gets a ball in the face later after being tripped to the ground - Bad day on the pitch for #21!
Is it wrong that I find her strangely compelling? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k52QWFeP7OY
Hmm... Good thought, and has promising synergies with my smartphone plans! Not that I need another email account - lol
Does anyone use a simple calendar/daytimer/reminder notification app that they'd recommend? One of the widgets that's gone missing in Windows 7 is the Windows Calendar, and I find myself needing one now that Lotus Notes won't be porting over to my new PC! I know, I know, you all use your smartphones I'll get one of those soon, but until then I don't want to miss my curling games!
Yeah, I've looked into SSD... I'm not sold on the value for money yet though. They're still mighty expensive, and even on my old clunker HDD wait times aren't (apparently) much of an issue. Is anyone playing with SSDs personally, whether on your own system or something at work? What do you have on there, pretty much the OS, with a regular HDD holding all the apps and data? I suppose having the swap file on SSD could make a big difference on it's own... Any experiences? Getting one big enough to hold all of your apps (maybe with data on a platter drive) you're looking at $400-600... Meh. I can wait a couple of years for that to come down to $100