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Everything posted by tscolin

  1. http://i27.tinypic.com/2h6yet5.jpg
  2. tscolin


    I just killed the laughing octopus last night, i got a helmet and 2 badges
  3. tscolin


    fail... Silencers = win, just buy 20 silencers at a time, they are cheap, and stop the enemy from knowing where you are.
  4. tscolin


    The mk. II is fantastic, especially in large sneak levels, where you are crawling an effin mile. It helps so much from getting shot and having to redo an entire zone. Ive already mentioned it kicks ass with grabbing dropped weapons. You can also use it to divert enemy attention, just unstealth it around and enemy, and let him chase it, leaving you an opening to get by, or grab/interrogate.
  5. tscolin


    Lol, ive been killing everyone like 10 times, in act 1 there are so many levels where the local militia just keep running out to their death, than i send mk2 to go grab weapons and get me drebin points, as it is, my m4 is completely hooked up, dot sight/scope, laser sight, flashlight, under barrel shotgun/grenade launcher! From reading online this is like the only gun you will ever need, and considering you can put airfoils in the under barrel shotgun, that means that i will also be able to use it for a no killing/no alerts run after i beat the game!
  6. tscolin


    ive been waiting impatiently for so long, and finally old snake is here! The single reason i wont be raiding much this week... is because of MGS4. So enjoy this week, because without me there, you may be able to progress!
  7. I'm going to buy the thong! i needs to show off the bulge of my /famous junk.
  8. A classic masterpiece.
  9. All they do is check your credit reports, something you can do on your own, and for free. it shouldn't be advertised as a identity theft deterrent so much, but as an insurance policy to cover you if/when it happens. As the owner has found out, no matter how secure you make something, the ingenious members of our society will always find a way to break it.
  10. I remember them saying second half for BC too, it was released 7 months after june...
  11. Wow this sucks.
  12. You of all people should know it is.
  13. This is only going to encourage people to encrypt their transfers.
  14. Finally, the birthday cake isn't on the top of the page!
  15. Even god couldnt put this topic back on track, also, why havnt pictures been posted yet? Comon lemontree, more pics plz!
  16. tscolin

    Age of Conan

  17. Whats up short! Hurry on back! and... Slacking is what i specialize at.
  18. tscolin

    Age of Conan

    More pics! GO!
  19. tscolin

    Age of Conan

    wow killer? no, but that doesn't mean its not worth a try. WoW is just too much fun to be replaced, and it wont be for a long time. Raiding kicks ass.
  20. tscolin

    Age of Conan

    Ok, it looks awesome. So who is going to be playing it? We need to sort out what server we are going to be joining!
  21. tscolin


    http://pixdaus.com/pics/khKPtGXMwANKVR6qpY.jpg Fich Mich Harter!!!
  22. Scientology is probobly going to put forth all their power into destroying wiki leaks, so grab the super secret scientology cult manual while you have a chance! L Ron Hubbards super secret book!
  23. Big grats guys!!!
  24. tscolin

    Coffee vs. Tea

    Coffee, because im not a traitor to america.
  25. very creative.
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