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Everything posted by tscolin
Maybe im just an rtard, but i have no effing idea what is going on here.
http://www.cad-comic.com/images/news/Commandments_Poster.jpg #12 was made just for FP!
I love web browsers, all 500 of them.
Its like a porno, the scandalous teacher is going to teach her naughty student a lesson, a hot sexy lesson.
McCains running mate is hot! http://askpang.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/sabine5.jpg Id hit it.
I think i can bench 95lbs, and once i accomplish that, ill never lift again.
This video is awesome, honestly. The most depressed person on the whole planet would even smile after watching this. http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap080722.html Grab some speakers, the music offers a great happy effect. Its a compilation of Where the hell is matt.
http://quiz.wegame.com/wow_traveller/ Its a WoW quiz. I scored 39%, i suck/ http://images.quiz.wegame.com/production/ranks/20/badge.jpg
Lesbian Kissing! http://i38.tinypic.com/ipbimb.jpg The only event where everyone wins.
No joke! http://3.141592653589793238462643383279502...m/index314.html
http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/7648/la...liderme5wc8.png Edit: Had to make it a link just because of people at work, and the whole PG-13 thing <3 Shad Edit: No problem! <3 Bishop.
Will we find the higgs boson particle or will we destroy the universe? Discuss! P.S. Only 14 hours to go as of posting!
vista looks better than XP, but it runs slower, atleast in games. as much as 20% slower! that being said i removed vista from my lappy and threw xp on it, never looked back...
looks like im gonna be going arcane
Hey, someone has to buy them! Anyway, i think AMD is aware of the bad name ati has gotten over the years, with releasing sub par hardware, and at times faulty hardware. However, i believe they are trying to correct that, not only is the 4870 a very fast card, its far more efficient than nvidias current best (cheaper too). Its going to pay for itself in terms of electrical bills. I dont know the status of AMD's windows drivers, but im a linux user, and AMD has released the drivers as opensource, which is awesome. No more tainted kernels! Hot stuff shortstuff!
wow... im effin sad, i loved george carlin! /me sprinkles some dank ass trees on his grave.
Heh, i just got to act3 last night, i havnt had much time to play any games . I should have payed attention to what i had to do, because for like 15 minutes i was wonder what was wrong. i was killing the rebels that i was supposed to follow, anyway, if you kill too many of them (and i did), its mission failed I kind of treat those 1 hour sequences like i do trigori boss explanations... i smoke cigs/zzz. JUST KIDDING TRIG!!! actually im not, lol?
http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/?p=downloadday This link still shows :/
Stang, i cant refuse you, and i never will! I will make a new sig!