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Everything posted by Branham

  1. This saddens me as much as the fateful day Space Ghost had to kill Banjo the sea monkey...
  2. Crackheaded class. Hiding your big red dot and snapping to faces first makes you a winner. xD I always rocked a medic, any word on concussion nade jumping.? ^^
  3. hahaha, wow. xD
  4. I think we both subscribe to the same stuff. [And in other news I'm disappointed in the animated smiley selection xD]
  5. Only the bathrobe part. =[ She was a biotch anyways.
  6. So this is how you got the upper hand! XD WTB FP GH Champion '07 upset. =P Dooood, my whammy bar is dead. =[ And I'm too jewish to invest in a wireless...those are like $60. x_X
  7. This isn't official, but supposedly "leaked" and the thread was immediately deleted from the scorehero forums. Tier 1: Foghat- Slow Ride Poison- Talk Dirty to Me Pat Benatar- Hit Me With Your Best Shot Social Distortion- Story of My Life Encore: Kiss- Rock and Roll All Nite Co-op Encore: Beastie Boys- Sabotage Tier 2: Mountain- Mississippi Queen Alice Cooper- School’s Out Cream- Sunshine of Your Life Heart- Barracuda Boss: Tom Morello- Guitar Battle Encore: Rage Against the Machine- Bull’s on Parade Co-op Encore: The Strokes- Reptilia Tier 3: The Killers- When You Were Young AFI- Miss Murder The Who- The Seeker Priestess- Lay Down Encore: Rolling Stones- Paint It Black Co-op Encore: Red Hot Chili Peppers- Suck My Kiss Tier 4: Black Sabbath- Paranoid The Sex Pistols- Anarchy in the UK Sonic Youth- Kool Thing Weezer- My Name Is Jonas Encore: Pearl Jam- Evenflow Co-op Encore: Blue Oyster Cult- Cities on Flame with Rock and Roll Tier 5: The Dead Kennedy’s- Holiday in Cambodia Scorpions- Rock You Like a Hurricane Aerosmith- Same Old Song and Dance ZZ Top- La Grange Boss: Slash- Guitar Battle Encore: Guns N Roses- Welcome to the Jungle Co-op Encore: Bloc Party- Hellicopter Tier 6: Santana- Black Magic Woman Smashing Pumpkins- Cherub Rock White Zombie- Black Sunshine Tenacious D- The Metal Encore: Stevie Ray Vaughn- Pride and Joy Co-op Encore: Matchbook Romance- Monsters Tier 7: Slipknot- Before I Forget Disturbed- Stricken Queens of the Stone Age- 3’s and 7’s Muse- Knights of Cydonia Encore: Living Colour- Cult of Personality Tier 8: Slayer- Raining Blood Eric Johnson- Cliffs of Dover Iron Maiden- Number of the Beast Metallica- One Boss: Lou- Guitar Battle Encore: The Devil Went Down to Georgia Bonus Tracks: An Endless Sporadic- Impulse Backyard Babies- Minus Celsius Bret Michaels Band- Go That Far Die Toten Hosen- Hier Kommit Alex Dragonforce- Through the Fire and the Flames Fall of Troy- FCP Remix Gallows- In the Belly of a Shark The Hellacopters- I’m in the Band Heroes del Silencio- Avalancha In Flames- Take This Life Kaiser Chiefs- Ruby Killswitch Engage- My Curse LA Slum Lords- Down N Dirty Lacuna Coil- Closer Lions- Metal Heavy Lady NAAST- Mauvis Garcon Prototype- The Way It Ends Revolverhead- Generation Rock Rise Against- Prayer of the Refugee Scouts of St. Sebastian- In Love Senses Fail- Can’t Be Saved The Sleeping- Don’t Hold Back The Stone Roses- She Bangs the Drums Superbus- Radio Song
  8. If they can make out with each other, I'd probably hit it.
  9. I think I'm going to get the orange box, seeing as how I played Halflife2 on shiki's account, and i'm using ben's account for my CS:S addiction. x_x
  10. zomg lyke IM UR FRIEND NOW
  11. Heh. 1/3 = .3333 1/3 x 3 = 3/3 = 1 .333333 x 3 = .999999 Lyke fvck fractions, man. I thought I was going to have teacher/student sexy time with my Calc teacher, who I thought hated me. I had to stop by after class to turn in an assignment cause I missed a day, and she's all "wait here...there's something I want to show you." This is at like, 5 on a Tuesday night, I was doing debate work after school before leaving. So the school is pretty much empty, aside from two debate students, the teacher, my calc teacher, and me. o_o'' She comes back in, wearing a bath robe, and is like "Alright now, time for your lesson..." ...Not really. =[ But man, I was expecting it. instead she came back in and just showed me some instances where math gets funky. the 0! being one of them. But yeah. x_x
  12. Lol around 1:17 even the program misses a note. It doesn't look too hard aside from how fast it'll be. That beginning will be painful to use that stretch so much, but after that it seems easily do-able. Especially compared to Jordan. x_x I'm thinking I'll just break my pinky to get that extra reach. When it comes out I'm adopting the Swissgar strategy. I will have a guitar hero guitar on me at all times, constantly. And I'll find a way to incorporate guitar and guitar hero theory into every conversation and example.
  13. Branham


    I can't wait. HOLY CRAP
  14. I forgot about Vael haha... Our raid leader, Kolin, would choose someone in the raid every week, and if you managed to explode on them you'd get a bonus DKP. The guild leader got pretty good at hiding in a far corner the moment Vael died every week haha. The same game happened on the priest calls when Nef was under 20%. =P
  15. I hate it when those MTF's put my cheese on upside down.
  16. Branham


    rofl. that's the one i was forgetting. xD
  17. Haha one time I borrowed 1,000 gold to get my epic flying form then quit playing the character. Plumpy had me log into Mt. Hyjal once with no hearthstone and my mount in the bank. There used to be a bug pre-BC where summoning someone underwater would instantly drown them. Exodia's guild leader, me, and one of the locks had a habit of wiping our raid as we summoned them into feralas for the world dragons. Even after they fixed the bug, if another guild was there most people couldn't load the area and swim up before dying. =] There was a spot in ashenvale where you could summon over a cliff that would drop them into elites also. ^_^ And of course, as a boomkin, unloading on someone hovering in range on their flying mount. Naturally, they get just out of range and stop, so I fly up, moonfire spam, then cat form. Spirit res for them <3
  18. Branham


    Dick, drugs, and...deez nutz? o_o
  19. if it had a timer i probably wouldn't stop for hours...
  20. Branham

    Now class....

  21. Branham


    hell yeah. trinketed starfires work just as well =]
  22. a click a day makes trees oh yay!
  23. QFT. /alt+tabs back to DVDA
  24. Branham


    Cute. I hate to call you out like this, but your whole blatant viciousness and caustic additude regarding me "being emo" is attributed to the fact that I look better than you in tighter jeans, not to mention wear a smaller size. (And don't even try to retort with something regarding genitalia size.) And now that I've shed the image and been dethroned, let's see some old pictures of Alex at his emo-est. xD http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v310/pir...ela/newhair.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v310/pir...ela/amgnice.jpg
  25. i like CS:S gun games the best. <3 i can get you an IP to a badass server for em i always play on once i get home. otherwise filter your maps to "gg" and it'll come up with a list of them its basically deathmatch, but you start off with a certain gun, kill 2 people, and level to a new gun. it requires being decent with all the guns, including nade and knife. usually they have a mod where a knife kill steals a level and counts as 2 kills for you and whatnot.
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