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Everything posted by Shugenja

  1. You know you are talented? Oh its true... you know.. -Shu
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-yZDpMw3PU...20pocus%20focus A bit better Hocus Pocus - Focus performance. in 1973 -Shu
  3. Ya. album version is way better. -Shu
  4. I loved it. I had heard of on the first yodeling thing in a WoW video before.. Those guys are really taleneted.. Mostly the singer. You also can say they had medium skills but were so un speeds theyd own! ...once again.. mostly the singer. -Shu
  5. Yeah. Its incredible. Socketed items and jewelcrafting will be nice! -Shu
  6. I want 20! -Shu
  7. O_o O_O o_O Crazy video... crazy.. these singers are incredible...I dont know how they can do it..Id be so messed up after the first second of the song. O_o -Shu
  8. I've checked the Dell website.. easier to find what you need and you can find some nice deals..but I feel I could get more for what i'd pay.. And their Dell-like names ..i dont trust those..mostly for graphic cards. So I'm checking. -Shu
  9. Oh and to answer the question of "what is resotic card" its the card to like.... get internt and you know..the other card... for the conenctions and stuff. In french is " Carte réseau". -Shu Edit: Network card
  10. Whow. Thanks for the replies guys Well.. my bro studied computer science..he could help me but sadly he is on a trip to British columbia for the summer. I always thought Dell was crap... but I know a friend who bought his this years and never had a problem.. I was more thinking about going to a computer store and ask the parts and that they would make it for me... that would probabaly ask for time if they dont have the parts and additionnal fees though. :/ I wasnt planning on buying the parts online even though its a better way to go... it would ask me to make the comp myself and I totally cannot glue the CPU on the mother board... I have no clue how to do that and I wouldnt want to risk it even though I have a good dexterity with things. Thanks for the infos everyone. Really TY. But my question is now, should I buy a comp with the precises parts or buy a Dell comp? -Shu Edit: I after checking parts and etc Ive noticed Im a total computer noob ...I dont understand English cpmputer terms that well and I don't know where to look.. O_o Dell seems the easy and.. from what Ive read here.. also safe way. :/ -Shu
  11. Hello. I'm going to make/buy a computer so I can play WoW and etc. So because I don't know really the marks on the parts and all Id need some help. Id need to be able to buy the peaces or the computer in québec (canada). So. In short. I need a comp that can handle WoW.. not much. The comp would have have abaout that: a LCD screen. an Optic mouse. a keyboard. a... speakers. a mother boards obviously with a ~1-2 ghz processor. a graphic card similar to a gefore4400 or 6600 a... about 512mgs to 1gig ddr ram a sound card a "resotic" card a ~40 and less harddrive a dvd/cd lector and writter a "disquette" lector... you know.. the old square things that cant hold much stuff.. a powersupply a case lol... pretty obviuous stuff for most of it.. So you can see its not a big machine... I would like to be about maximum 900$ for all. lol.. So if you can help me out by telling me all X and X peaces or by sending me to a forum where people can help you make a computer Id really appreciate it. -Shu
  12. OMG Figment? Its him? -Shu
  13. Comon..just tell it already! lol... -Shu
  14. LOL That made me LOL in rl -Shu
  15. This video/song is sweet. -Shu
  16. UCA will never be forgotten! this is a good thing -Shu
  17. O_O @_@ @_o o_O @_O @_O X_X How do you guys knows all thoses names!!!?? THANKS ALOT EVERYONE! /bows before everyone..they deserver ultimate respect! -Shu
  18. O_o I shall call you for a short monent "Critzilla!" /bows before Critzilla! -Shu
  19. ??? Who is he? -Shu
  20. Hi. Id really like if anyone could tell 1 or 2 or more of the names of the songs found in this video? Id really appreciate it. Video link: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3...331371111797106 So far Ive gotten those but I know it's not their real names: Fung Fu fighting ? Sould -- all nigh long ? Micheal jackson with tu tu tutu tu... ?? Robotoco Gizmo ?? Can't touch this-Mc.Hammer (got this one already) ! The song found on a <DIE> video.. you know its a bit after Can't touch this on the video. ???? Whats the name of the hilarious song with "im too sexy for my shirt, to sexy for my shirt, oh so damn sexy? ??? What is love. baby dont hurt me, dont hurt me no more ???? If you can tell me the names of those songs Id really appreciate. -Shu
  21. Who is he Stang? Just curious... -Shu
  22. Very nice! This has style! And thats coming from a student in Arts. -Shu
  23. Shugenja

    4 Years UCA

    better not be an emo tear Exist! O_o -Shu
  24. Shugenja

    4 Years UCA

    Long live UCA! Hail my bretherens. Raise your beers in the air! -Shu Edit: I remember the short but so fun Aliens with mass wyvern. -Shu
  25. Hey! You guys are so full of epics... -Shu
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