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Everything posted by Shugenja

  1. http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=-32...4&q=orc+warlock Just hilarious! It's so impossible to do. Note: I'd love to know what they say. -Shu
  2. Oh... Also.. orange named items are what? higher than epic but whats the name.. also.. what shoulders and helm is this orc using? -Shu
  3. Ya well..whats up with those ant-like mounts and those shelly shields and armors? Like..what does the orc in my sig use? And...how can I get a Bug mount? -Shu
  4. Shugenja

    new Sig

    It totally pwns! Very nice. Really. -Shu
  5. I think its a heal over time aura....so hunm..ya.... the HoT is an Aura. -Shu Edit: I think they also have a MinControl/Fear resistance like Orcs have with Stuns.
  6. I dont know what HoT means but the Draenei race will have an aura that benefits the party. -Shu
  7. O_O Im really sorry that I cant help you.. Try AVG and run a complete scan.? Run a scan with Ad-Aware? Im sure you did stuff like that. But I cant help you more. I never had big virus problems. -Shu :/
  8. I called the place and made my comp. Because its Canadian dollar and that theres taxes more than in the US. The whole thing will cost me 1048$. The computer's stats arn't the same but pretty nice still. Its because of the price factor. It'll be a good machine. Thanks alot to everyone and mostly Hykos for the computer build. -Shu
  9. Flying Mounts? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IR7DxvN-hco&NR Yes, flying mounts! http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/index.xml;j...A0A3BE7CC.app05 http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/burningcrus...etherdrake.html -Shu
  10. Im at my friend's house and tomorrow me and him are gonna call his uncle who has a compgany that builds computers well and all. so ill get the peaces i want and all and sooner. so ill be able to make my char faster. TY though. -Shu
  11. Valdez. Your sig makes me think about a WoW video: http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=305...vs+powerrangers -Shu
  12. /bump Mouahahahahahaha -Shu
  13. All your base are belong to us + snakes + plane + actor? Was a nice movie. -Shu
  14. Very nice find there. -Shu
  15. Makes sence. -Shu
  16. Just pack the corpse into another machine. no problem. theres plenty Dreadnaults are fallen SpaceMarines... they serve even after death. -Shu
  17. http://forums.filefront.com/gallery/users/1/0/4/2/1/4/DreadnaughtWallpaper.JPG Dreadnaught > projector thingy? Yes. Big time. -Shu
  18. they hum.... take the energies of food by their "hair"... and drink with their hum...fingers.. ya ya..thats it. -Shu
  19. He hum...can make..ehh...OMG CRIES THAT CONTROL THE LIVINGS!? -Shu
  20. I am an old UCA member who stopped playing for a year and will get back soon. I just need to buy a computer and restart my account. -Shu
  21. I talked to a friend who has an uncle that work's at a informatic shop... big place.. they could make my comp pretty fast and it wouln't cost me too much. We just need to know when we will go.. -Shu
  22. Hello, I can see that theres a freaking huge amount of forums on FP's forum! O_o Thank you for letting me see most of them now! -Shu
  23. Wow. Grats man. Sweet set there. -Shu
  24. Lawl! -Shu
  25. Very nice video. -Shu
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