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Everything posted by Triggahapy
Someone made a really nice signature for me, and I wanted to show it off. I take only mild credit for the design, I came up with the concept. A person on MMO-Champ did the rest with it, and this was the result. I like it! Oh yeah, grats on 10-man Yogg. My new guild on Torth kinda blows, but I'll tell DE you all said hi.
Sure, why not. People debate less.
If you're a sports person, you could go with one of my favorites. "Should our national government be involved in the processes to attempt to remove cheating in the sports world through the use of performance-enhancing substances". P.S.: If that doesn't work, go with a debate on why Stang needs to update his signature because he's still wearing T5 in it. Sooooo last year.
http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y43/viroz...ol_original.jpg Grats on the promotion?
http://movies.ign.com/dor/articles/863515/...ler_040108.html Statistically, it has to be better than Super Mario Bros. Guess in a year we'll see, huh!
Actually the Fuggees version was a cover song. The track originally comes from an artist from the '70's, though I can't remember who off the top of my head. Sweet! Somnium takes over FP. This is a good idea. BTW: Sploit you're an idiot, and Tutu I'm not paying you a cent. I'll keep this open until most likely Tuesday if anyone is interested, in which I will then announce there is no interest at all and then close this idea entirely.
I have been contemplating giving our regular raiding members a good shot at Gruul's. We still lack a few people in order to do this ourselves, sadly. So I've been contemplating the option of doing a joint run with anyone who is interested in coming from FP next Friday, November 16th. If it happens, invites will begin around 7 p.m. server time and the raid should start around 7:30, which if I remember correctly is your usual schedule (we normally start at 8 p.m., but I figure this will give a little extra leniency for people who might be interested and are stuck somewhere when invites start). I still have to talk this idea over with Gefion, so this is not an official thing. However, if I see some mild interest from FP members, then I'm sure I can convince him to make this more of a reality. If you would wish to help us with this run, please make a reply to this topic. Also, if you wish to bring an alt instead of your main, that is acceptable provided they are geared enough for the task (knowing some of you, that won't be a problem either). We have 0 druids, so any droodz interested are definitely welcome (I <3 innervates). We have a decent supply of healers, though a couple of more would not hurt (I expect 3-4 of our healers to be able to go). Tanks I do not see having any more than 3 tops on our end. I do understand that this is after the release of 2.3, and that many of you I am sure will have much more interest in trying Zul'Aman, but I figured I would at least give it a shot. We did a joint run with Clarion Call last week, but many of their members were...suspect, at best. From what I heard our end did very well, though I was not there for it sadly. Anyway, do me a huge favor and try to keep posts to this thread on topic. As amusing as my request is, I'm sure, if you feel the need to laugh at me about it do it in-game. Anyway, hoping to see you there! -Fenixdown (the holiest priest)
YAY! I have a signature thingie. Thanks to Clio. I am a very happy priest.
Hey, yeah! Clio is cool ppl. I'll bring it up to her and see if she would want to. Thanks, Leif!
Yeah....no. At any rate, I got that WoW whatchamabobber, and after 3 hours I still have no clue what the heck I'm doing. So looks like it's back to plan A.
Okyeah. Hykos is right. I stand corrected, and Shiki you're fired.
Yeah I remember that one. You had that one for a bit. But for as much as I loooooove playing my hunter (and I still do), I just...don't. He's my Farmy McFarmbot now. I think I did a Shadow Labs with him a month ago. And a quest maybe 3 weeks. But sadly Trigga's bullets don't see the skulls of much of anything nowadays, Horde or otherwise. So...yeah. But thanks for the idea Bent, I will think about it.
Gynis: my priest. HA! Like I would waste time to make a sig for my hunter. He's in the same garbage he had 6 months ago. Fenix is my main and I feel I've succeeded enough in the work I have put into her to show her off a little. I can send you a screenshot or whatever, and maybe I will play with that WoW whatchamabobber myself. I always like to mess with new computer programs. So long as they don't like, kill me. Yeha, I always liked Eni's sigs. If she could do it that would be sweet, too. Hykos: Anything that causes you pain sounds like a great idea! I will have to consider that.
Remember when I like, first joined FP and asked how ppl get all the cool picture sigs for their profiles? Well, I thought I would dredge up that old topic again because I am now looking for someoen to do a sig for me. A gesture of good will would be sweet, but I'll also like...I dunno, pay gold or something. Not alot though. Anyway, I have no clue who is into graphics art or what so if you are interested in helping me out let me know.
The All-Star game starts in a bit less than 18 hours, and what a season this one has been! It's been full of suprises, snowouts, and records being made every time you turn on Baseball Tonight. I'd like to take a look back at what I thought might be, and what so far is. Leaders: A.L. East: Boston Red Sox. Okay, Gryph, you win this round. The emergency room in New York was overflowing with injured pitchers this season, while Boston's been one of the best pitching staffs so far. Josh Beckett started phenominal, showing that he's finally made the transition from the NL to the AL. Dice-K has been preforming to standards, but the second half is usually when rookies start to lose their edge. We'll see if he can keep it up. It'll take a miracle, for once, for the Yanks to win this division. A.L. Central: Detroit Tigers. Jim Leyland has proven to any doubters once and for all that he is a managerial genius. His decision to keep Justin Verlander in the starting rotation even after a sub-par spring seems to have been a good one, especially after adding a no-hitter to his already Cy Young-calibur season. I picked the Twins for this one, and if they can get that second wind going that they usually have they're not out of it yet. But the Tigers so far look to be favorites to be the AL champs once more. A.L. West: Anaheim Angels. Well, at least I have one of them right so far. The Angels are looking like they have all the pieces in place this year. The pitching is preforming to the standards it failed to meet last season, and Vlad is impaling any and every ball that he hits. However, that Seattle suprise is in the rear view mirror, even after Mike Hargrove called it quits in the midst of an 8-game winning streak. Provided that doesn't cause the M's to have a second half collapse, the Angels can't think they're resting on cloud 9 yet. N.L. East: New York Mets: Yeah, this one really wasn't hard. What was hard though was predicting that the ragtag group of youngsters in Atlanta have been able to stay this close. I don't see them being able to pull it out in the end, the experience is lacking. But it's good to know they're headed in the right direction. N.L. Central: Milwaukee Brewers. WOW! Did I not say to watch out for this team? Thank you Milwaukee for making me look smart. The banged up start to the Cards seemed to have crippled them drastically, and though Chicago has gone white hot coming into the break, Milwaukee has yet to relinquish that lead they have though having a few stumbles in interleague play. Unbelievable implosions withstanding, the Brewers should see the playoffs for the first time since Robin Yount was the heart of this team. N.L. West: San Diego Padres. The division where offense goes to die is pretty tight so far. LA is only a game out, and suprise Arizona is 3 1/2 back of the division leader Pads. Jake Peavy has been electric, and Chris Young has been the right-handed Randy Johnson on a pitching staff that has the best ERA in the bigs. But let's face it...the lack of a productive O could be the downfall of this team. You can't expect every game to end 1-0 in your favor come September and October. This has been the year for records. Biggio got 3,000 hits, Sosa got 600 homers, Griffey might see that number before the end of the year, The Big Hurt has 500, and so does Trevor Hoffman (long balls for Thomas, saves for Trev), Bonds is only 5 away from passing Hammerin' Hank, and A-Rod will be the youngest person ever with 500 home runs by August at this rate. Curtis Granderson has the most triples (15) hit by the All-Star game in a long time, and is on pace for 28 by season's end. So now comes the next big step...the trading deadline. July 31st. Will there be any blockbuster deals? Likely not. Teams nowadays are reluctant to give up young talent for rent-a-players. Gange may move from Texas, but Teixeira will stay put. Dunn and Junior aren't going anywhere. Beurhle got his new deal in Chicago with a no-trade clause, so we know he's going nowhere. Don't expect any fire sales from Kansas City or Florida or Tampa Bay. Teams are pretty much as is this year, so whoever had the most talent in May is gonna end up on top odds are. Mid-season prediction: It's hard, a few teams look really good so far. I'm going to go on a limb and go with the Tigers over the Mets in 6 Here's hoping the way to October is just as great as the way to July has been!
Canceled. Reason: 14/20 people Better luck next time, Krotas.
Okay, so since you all decided to post, I have Ecth, Gynis, Este, Krotas, Zedek, and Bentley. Am I correct on this? AWESOME! Much better turnout than I expected. All I expected was Krotas. Please keep this to subject. Think of it as a raid signup. Tons easier that way.
Bentley, I recall a certain shadow priest that used to be top 5 in the damage and healing meters. Can't remember who that was. Bad healer indeed. I'm just glad I could learn from some of the best in the biz. Like you. And not like, say, uh, bad healers. BTW I will always be a healer with Fenix. I'll never ever ever spec shadow. Ever. In case there was some confusion.
I just thought I would say that I am kinda looking to try and get a group for either BWL or MC. At least 20 ppl, no more than 25 really necessary. Let it be known that, yes, I have alterior motives. However, I figure it should be nice money and a nice flashback to the good ol' days. The rules are simple. Mains or alts I could care less on. If you wish to bring an alt, please let me know what name that is. Items...yes, there will be an RTU. If you want it, take it. Pft. If nobody wants it, we'll just RTS. That's it. Extra cash for all. If you use your RTS (not your RTU), you get no more RTS rolls until everyone has used one. This includes non-epics. I woulda gone with just dusting everything, but Nexus Crystals aren't worth much anymore. So at least vendoring an item should get a couple of extra gold. Personally, I'll just be wanting some tier 2 priest junk. The rest...all yours. I won't even have an RTS for this, odds are. This is my request. If you are interested in going, please make a post. Also, if you are more partial to one of these 2 raids over the other, list that as well. I ask nobody make posts in this thread beyond that, this is simply to see if anybody's interested in this run. The day I wish to do this on is Saturday, June 10th, at around 5 p.m. EST. I hope to see some of you there! -Jason P.S.: This concerns the guardians. If any of you wish to come and would rather Crystals for your bank, let me know. I can dust or just give the items to the appropriate person.
No fair, Captain Epicz. I don't even have a piece of d3 yet.
Hey, guys! Miss me (string of no's ensue)? Well, tough. I just thought I'd tell everyone that I have finally made it to the ranks of people with multiple 70's! Fenixdown, my priest, went from 48 when BC came out, to 70 just yesterday. For an alt that I really only spent the last month on regularly, not too shabby. She is Holy spec, with a smatter of some Discipline thrown in. I think 18/43/0 was the final, but as soon as I can stop soloing I'll hafta figure out a new healing design. But I need a flying mount, so...there ya have that. But If anyone here needs a priest and hates pug priests (cuz usually they're lootwhores and they aren't very good healers...I grouped with Justin recently as my tank and he seems to like the fact that he doesn't die very often with me healing. I get lots of compliments), if you see me online and I'm not busy in an instance already I'd be glad to help! Also, I'm working on Kara attunement, so if you're a priest shy one random evening I'd be glad to hop in and Shackle stuff. Oh, and if I'm on Trigg it probably means I'm just farming or am completely bored (or both), so just ask and I'll likely switch out to help.
this can't possibly be legitimate. and if it is....where do i sign up? This sounds like a blast.
Interesting, but not quite as good as the story I read of the 15-year-old Miami kid who stole a local transportation bus and drove it on it's route.
lawl Gryph. Trust me, I'd rather see the Sox beat out the Yankees for the division title. I freakin' hate the Yankees. I just don't see it happening this year. And Bentley....I love Florida, but I also know they have a 25-man roster with 23 minor leagers, Miguel Batista, and Dontrelle Willis. A third baseman and a starter does not a team make. : /
Dude, Ghosty, greatest compliment ever. Seriously though, I do aspire to be a sports journalist, and thanks for the flattering comparison man.