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Everything posted by Joesf
The trick is, if you never look at yourself, you never know if the ball broke or not. So, unless you get hit in the goggles, you dont stop shooting until a ref calls you out! But on the flip side of that, you could end up with 20 welts from one game. Don't stop till they drop!
Most of the good paintball fields are up north. Like north, north in the woods. Theres a few in town but they're mainly the 12yo kids you wanna beat into the Monster can they just drank. Wildfire, Arkenstone (not sure if it exists anymore), and Paintball Atlanta were the popular ones back when I worked\played. Few tips. Call a few places you would want to goto for prices. Some places are ridiculous with paint, its usually best when going with a group to buy a case of paint. Its $100+ dollars but you get 2000 rounds. You basically are paying for how much you shoot. On the average you can shoot 50-200 rounds a game or like my brother you can empty 1000 rounds without letting off the trigger. Get there early. Wear clothes you jsut threw out, long sleeves\pants. Rentals and field fees vary but are around $20-30 for the day, not counting paint. Its alot of fun. Expect to get sweaty and a little dirty. Take water with you. Check the weather if its an outdoor field (I think outdoor fields are the best). Some will let you play in the rain. Its like football in the rain... more fun and A LOT more messy. If you are worried about getting shot, its going to hurt. If you are more worried about shooting someone else, you probably won't even notice getting hit.
Once again, words fail to describe the phenomenon of Tammy's van.
IMO quick opinion. The party system is killing it all. All they are doing is putting a face on the party of who they think will allow them to win. Actual political abilities be damned, win at all costs. Its like the mortgage crisis were in now. Keep putting stupid people in positions they can't handle for the sole purpose of helping your 'cause' and what do you think is gonna happen? Its like... Winning but every time you do, everyone in the country gets kicked in the balls and sheet on. Is winning really worth it then? Quick list me 3 positive things McCain, Hillary and Obama have already done to improve our country.
Me too. (OMG Looks what I did there!)
None shall pass!
Maybe they shouldnt put fools up for a Presidential Election in the first place.
Just don't make a mistake and get in Tammy's Free Candy van. Words have never described what happens in there.
The title is misleading. It should read "Concrete wall guillotines kids leg." No blood, but you will probably scream "OMFG!"
Its never a good idea to try to break something concrete with yourself... just think about that. http://www.break.com/index/wall-falls-on-dudes-leg.html
Feanore is right, not nearly that simple. This is a bit lower level then encryption. Encryption may help to hide the actual contents of the data but thats about it. With this tool (and the continued down fall of net neutrality), if the ISP sees you ATTEMPTING to connect to a host using HTTPS or any likewise encryption tool they don't want you too, they can block that traffic specifically to the point you would think the host doesn't exist. Thus no one to send the transfer too, encrypted or not. There are many tools Data Centers use that are Deep Layer Packet inspection but are typically meant for in-house networking control and security, not user monitoring. Charter users beware. They are reading much more than your email and its not even regulated by the government or any type of oversight body.
http://consumerist.com/5008801/charter-to-...ng-targeted-ads Deep layer packet inspection is just shy of the ISP using a packet sniffer on ANY internet traffic you pass thru them. We use it here at work and I can track down just about anyone doing anything. A packet sniffer grabs everything going across the actual copper wire and stores it for you to look at, but is only good for short periods of time because of the amount of data it stores. Deep layer packet inspection looks at everything you are doing and gives a brief overview. It can see encryption, peer-to-peer (specifically which one), IM, what websites you are surfing, what types of images you are viewing, everything, etc. However, this isn't big brother watching what you are doing on the internet, this is your ISP. Also with this, they can modify virtually any aspect of the traffic and send it back to you. For example, say they don't want you to see ads of competitors, no problem a quick little script will redirect those ads to ads of their choosing. Charter is like the Fox news of ISPs. Just when you think they wouldn't go any further... they do.
Lmao, I make fair warning when I lead the drinking nights, you WILL be throwing up before the night is over! I think Dragon was also a victim a few years ago.
I'm at the other end of the spectrum, I don't know where to begin. hehe Shot myself out of a paintball game. Drag behind cars. Run over by bikes. Face planted on railroad ties after falling 10 feet. Oh and then there was the time I rolled my car...
Thats pretty cool. He created an interface that allows his computer to play guitar hero in the same manner we play it. We see the colors and attempt to press them at the right time. He's teaching (programming) the computer how to see and read the colors\notes\chords and then how to calculate when to 'press' the button. Depending on how he wrote the code for timing and if he can get all the bugs worked out, it could basically play any song or series of chords flawlessly at any rate of speed without knowing the series of buttons any sooner than we would playing the game ourselves. The biggest feat of this is creating the interface for the PC to talk to the Wiimote\guitar and then programming the intelligence for it to play. And its not really hacking the system, he's still playing by the rules without having a preset 'playlist'. Its kinda like Valros's old healing scripts, he just has a computer do all the hard work.
OMG DEZ! Yo bette brin you girlfrien to, I haven' see her in awhil Th las lette in mos word wer lef of in hope robot can' rea it.
Shows us how they use the soap in Korea... in the ladies bathroom. She calls it the soap Knob and you better lather it up good. http://www.break.com/index/im-a-fan-of-the-soap-knob.html Sometimes you never know what you'll find hitting the "Random Video" button on Break.
The question is... If we necro a cybering thread, would it be necropostiphilia? And is it legal!?
Looking at some of the older threads I found this little gem... TehanPrimes(sp?) sig. Yes, it is Hykos, yes it is. PS - You aren't an old school warrior if you never had an OEB.
Funny you should ask! I was jsut reading about New York being put off by GTA4 using it as their setting (even though its not even named). Forget all the other violent and graphic movies, novels and other games that have even called the city New York in their 'adventure', GTA4 is the DEVIL! haha http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=161197
Its not the pants, I really have a massive erection.
Could you imagine being stuck in an elevator for 41 hours alone with no watch or cell phone? This poor guy went out of a smoke after watching a baseball game, and then got some solitude. Here's a short article. Here's the time elapsed security camera. I was stuck in an elevator for 2 hours once. Wasn't bad, there was <10 of us in there cracking jokes and trying to order pizza on the Emergency Phone. I couldn't imagine 41 hours alone with no concept of time, though. The article even talks about the only known free falling elevator incident. A lady fell 75 floors and survived. /Bawls.
I didn't even get past the first page and I had to post this. Few you've seen, a couple you'll be glad you didn't miss. Like Thomas Lennon (Dangle from Reno911) talking about Monkey torture. http://www.nerve.com/dispatches/nerveedito...edySketches/01/