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Everything posted by Joesf

  1. Careful, the site this video comes from isn't SFW but the video is. http://www.filecabi.net/video/jnoldd.html This guy definately deserves a hero tag for style and finess. You can tell the guy leaving thought it was great too.
  2. Joesf

    More Tweaks

    The only gear that should be seeing changes is the gear with sockets. Socket were not being treated as a static value on the armor pieces (IE T4 socket stat values were less that T5 even though you could put the same gems int he sockets), thus reducing the amount of stat value points that were being placed ont he armor.
  3. Boooo. "...was said in jest..." http://www.starpulse.com/news/index.php/20...f_dad_was_a_jok
  4. QFT I was in PvPing with the Immortals the other day and had mentioned that we were having a big get together. They made a joke about it jsut being a dorks LAN party or something. I started to laugh and was like "Screw that. The past couple of get togethers we get drunk and party till 4-5am Friday night and then go out somewhere partying Saturday night. Were headed out to a concert this go round." They were pretty quiet and someone said... "Wow that sounds pretty cool. Why the hell don't we do that?" PS - When I look at that cake all I can think of is Mekock decorated it with his twitching back and forth.
  5. Joesf

    More Tweaks

    Thats the tanking set. Imagine whats going to happen to the damage set /chubby
  6. ...and all I was looking for was a good bar to goto on my SLC trip. Gynis will never be the same O_o /hug
  7. Thats rock and roll 110%
  8. You friggin hoser!
  9. Joesf

    More Tweaks

    Shiki and I were talking about this last night. Thought I'd through up the blue post about it. Also the patch notes for today were what you would expect. Handful of very minor fixes. IE EotS blinking thru shield and such. Enjoy.
  10. Joesf


    Hey look I jsut picked up a pipebomb!... wait a second... sheet.
  11. Joesf


    This is where it started. Shadow Warrior They still even have the shareware demo for download. I LOVE the shurikan! (wav) Lo Wang Rap - OMG This is hilarious. Blocking with your head again!
  12. Ouch. Whats interesting is they are only stating it affects one card.
  13. Joesf

    desktop TD

    I didnt want to post this one because its so addictive. Normal mode I can get all the way through it but can never break 6k points.
  14. If Blizzard planned to never do another expansion and level 70 was end-game. This wouldnt suprise me LOL
  15. Lol thats good stuff
  16. This is awesome as hell. http://www.break.com/index/bruce_lee_speed_painting.html
  17. The juice was loose last night. SHUURIKAN!
  18. Joesf

    R.I.P Internent

    The technology is easily availible and can do far more than you think. I manage firewalls that can regulate, block and resist access of virtually any type. And thats without any special devices, just a modern top-end firewall. http://blogs.abcnews.com/theblotter/2007/0...leblower_h.html The NSA has already had their finger up the ISPs asses for awhile. I wouldnt doubt losing Net Nuetrality is because the government wanted access to more to the information and the ISPs made them compromise. Without Net Nuetrality, the power will be in the hands of the ISPs (not even the government) and they will be able to do far more than jsut monitoring.
  19. Joesf

    R.I.P Internent

    Originally Net Nuetrality meant that all internet traffic was treated equally without bias or discrimination.
  20. What metal has the highest melting point? More input!
  21. Also on a quick note of cars... Ever wonder how hot the exhaust of a F1 car gets? Ever see titanium glow brighter than fire? http://www.fazed.net/video/?id=629
  22. Doing 80mph on the highway it can scan cars' license plates going the opposite directions at ~80mph. Beautiful.
  23. So Dez, what ever did happen with ... wait... I'll PM you.
  24. BW is mad he doesn't get any gay attention. Will someone pass him the glass dildo? hehe
  25. Joesf

    FP's 70's

    Omg so many excuses.
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