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Everything posted by Joesf

  1. Bob whats real pvp... Bob wants Warhammer. PvE strategies don't change, the bosses don't react to how you assault them, they don't focus on the healers or CCing the tanks. They are scripted fights. They are like musicals, you have to dance their complicated dance to a certain point of precision. PvE requires attention to detail and skill consistency. PvE also requires a certain level of gear. PvP strategies are generalized and the other team is always reactive to your method of attack. PvP is like a metal concert's mosh pit, organized chaos, almost no two fights are the same. PvP requires individual team work and smart reactive playing skills. The more undergeared you are to your enemy, the smarter you have to play. And I wouldn't say FP is a PvE guild either. Its casual.
  2. Fixed. This would bring SC's PvP back to life hard and heavy. Joe's good until Season 3, time to get that pesky hunter geared up. PvP for life.
  3. QFT - I'm actually surprised at the amount of good stuff from the panels.
  4. His grin says it all Impressive. Itemrack but with extra space. Threatmeter. Deadly Boss Mods. GUILD RATED BATTLEGROUNDS!
  5. QFT - Me and Sibixuang are actually going back to 2handed Swords as soon as we get the points (2weeks for me). The weapons in S3 are rumored to require a 1900 rating. So you'd have to wait until S3 and then wait until 1900 rating. Ecth. Heroics. Pronto.
  6. You'd lose your MS if he went Fury.
  7. The night we downed Maulgar I had switched to Arms-fury (Imp BS, Blood frenzy) without saying anything and the rogues said they noticed the difference.
  8. Omg, Gryph, you've lost your touch. Seriously, 3/3 in Imp Rend?! Last time I used rend I think it ticked for 36. And going that far in arms you gotta get MS. MS-OT Except I'd use the 4 points in 2handed for a weapon spec or 5/5 Iron Will and 2/2 Overpower. You could also tilt it a bit on the Tank side and drop the 5/5 crit for Imp Bloodrage and Shield Mastery.
  9. Its a Blizzard catch 22. I'm not respeccing just because Blizzards mechanics require a Warrior to spec prot in order to do a raid encounter. And the unfortunate flip side of that is raid leaders don't fill DPS spots with warriors. No other class really has this dilemma.
  10. From the sounds of it, a NBC Dateline reporter apparently tried to infiltrate Defcon and do a report on hiring hackers. For those that don't know, Defcon is THE hackers convention. The amount of topics they cover is amazing. Defcon Schedule Anyways. The reporter gets bust and leaves immediately after getting called out. Good stuff.
  11. Brett Lykins, a guy I and some of the ATL people went to school with since 3rd grade, died this past Wednesday. Local Article Local Video Article I can't think of anything to say really especially when every time I think of him I start to laugh. Incredible guy that could make a joke of out of anything. There is no other like him. He was pure inspiration. Service will be at Bill Head's funeral home. Saturday the 11th @3pm.
  12. Jake Brown falls 50 feet in Xgames 13. and then walks away.
  13. *Naughty Langauge* Theres Jewish Ninjas up here and in my Pink Power ranger suit and its losing durability! I need 5 power rangers so we can make the megazoid!
  14. Chosen or Maurader
  15. Planetside laid out the perfect MMO PvP strategy for progressive assaults. You felt like you were in a war. A three way battle royal. Along with the progression of character. BF2142 took notes and did the same thing. As you level up you are allowed access to more powerful tools. Characters themselves weren't more powerful, simply the tools they could use. Quake, CoD, UT and HL all lost their luster a long time ago for me. Can't wait to get a hold of Crysis. I WANT ANOTHER MCO! I never had an addiction like that one. Seriously.
  16. I was about to make a witty comment about how you're in the back dead and I'm the one always saving your ass in 2142, but then I remember a specific round I caught like 5 APC mines, 2 walkers, a tank and 4 bullets with my face. I think your defibrillator broke that round. But I completely agree about WoW and Warhammer. What happened to games where you actually spent time just playing instead of grinding or practicing for hours in instances for the next gear level up. With WoW its all about leveling up your character. I think the only thing in common War and WoW will have is the play style. Toolbars, targeting and button mashing. WoW will never have a PvP that matters because the majority of people are alone together in an instance away from everyone else. Ever play Planetside? I imagine it'll be like that as far as capping towns and cities. Which was great! Planetside was amazing with its assault progression and combat. And it worked.
  17. When NOT to hyphenate your name. Seriously. MUHAHA
  18. A tank that can deal damage... I call shenanigains. But if not ME! ME! ME!
  19. Looking good has nothing to do with it... Its how cooooooool it is.
  20. Its a NINETY SIX!
  21. Or staring at his hair.
  22. Grats muthafookas! What. Bib. Seriously. YOU DONT FOOK WID DA JESSSUSSS! But Bob, so you can join the rest of the modern world. Go BUY The Big Lebowski and memorize it. You can see your first pair of boobies and bowling pins at the same time. Just talking about the movie makes me wanna get a white russian and watch it again.
  23. Joesf

    RH's Pix

    Lol, looks like all Erik has to do is ask! GETSOME!
  24. ASHBRINGER! Lemme know when you guys go next!
  25. LMFAO! I lvoe it! Must find Improv video with Vanin and Gynis...
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