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Everything posted by Gynis

  1. uhm.... LFG Scholo! Need WH hat! PST! 60 dru! With Epix!
  2. A few people are getting that. HYYYYKOOOOOSSSS!!!!!
  3. Gynis

    Orcs, WC1,2 and 3

    Corporate restructuring is what it sounds like to me.
  4. I've got a ticket in about the speed... as far as the size goes, let's get you a new video card Klaudia.
  5. Over the next few days we are refining the website, so we need some help. Please post here if there are issues you see. Such as, you can't see a forum you're supposed to. You can see a forum you're NOT supposed to. Broken links. Stuff like that. Thanks again to Dagorian and Hykos for getting this off the ground!
  6. Gynis

    stangmeister FTMFW

    FP is nothing more than 185 Forum Trolls.
  7. Gynis

    stangmeister FTMFW

    ZOMG Beware Miroku. If you see him in game, he's not trying to gank you. He's trying to ask you for three horde cooking recipes. He's nice.
  8. Gynis

    Sneak O.O Peek

    We had to have them recast. Producers are just mean.
  9. It took me about 3 min. So.. yeah.
  10. Like I said, I hope it's what you're looking for. I didn't pick it up cause I've heard it's rare and that's the only one I've seen. Does it have charges too?
  11. Truesilver is the one I sent. I hope it's right.
  12. I just mailed something to you Miro. I'm not sure if it's the right one or not. It's the same as item as from Thott, but I don't know if it has charges or not.
  13. Gynis

    ZOMG Hi Jesilyn

    Actually, I'm pretty good at remembering some things (really bad at others) and this one isn't ringning any bells. I'm sure you're confusing her with one of your many many fawning young ladies you meet in the tram late at night. O.O
  14. Vestian was removed from his guild due to this.
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