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Everything posted by Arlan

  1. I have to admit when I read the title I thought this was going to be about your van. Anyway those masks are amazing!
  2. Ahahaha
  3. Someone on the WoW forums decided to upgrade the paladin set... http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/3938/palladinaltbo5.jpg Edit: Hopefully this one wont be taken down anytime soon
  4. It looks like the guys who designed the Judgement set might have designed this priest set...give them back!
  5. QFT
  6. Hahaha that is awesome
  7. Truly amazing
  8. Arlan

    What's your type?

    Your Type is INFJ Introverted: 44 Intuitive: 62 Feeling: 25 Judging: 33 Counselor Idealist Ahaha
  9. That was so awesome, thanks Joe!
  10. Arlan


    Ahaha very nice
  11. I dropped blacksmithing/swordsmith once you really couldn't make money off it anymore. No one wanted an arcanite reaper when you could go to MC and get a spinal reaper, or just run AV until you got the unstoppable force I don't know if this is real or not, but if it is I'm tempted to go back to smithing....Lionheart Blade
  12. Arlan

    The Human Mind

    Wow that is very cool, I'll have to send it to a friend who is working on his English degree.
  13. Later Cotton! Have fun with phantasy star universe
  14. "if you could get your hands on my family jewels, I would be deeply appreciative.."
  15. Arlan

    Zomg sig test

  16. 30 seconds...I wish they would just make it 15 seconds now
  17. Arlan


    Congrats Triggahapy!
  18. Arlan


    Ahahahahahaa that is so awesome!
  19. Arlan

    Salad Fingers

    Umm I think I'll pass on watching this stuff....
  20. I hope that woman never gets out of prison.
  21. Ahahaa Well said Valdez, I couldn't agree more
  22. Arlan


    Ahahaha...I feel bad for steve
  23. Arlan

    Pirate Rap

  24. Arlan

    Early Friday Fun

    That game is a lot of fun, thanks Joe!
  25. That was awesome Bentley
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