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Everything posted by Arlan

  1. If I'm honest about the moral questions then 19, but if I'm too busy pile-driving them to worry about morality then 26.
  2. Arlan


    Happy Birthday!
  3. Awesome!
  4. Arlan


    Happy Birthday Dez!
  5. Arlan

    Rap Lyrics lol

    This is awesome, thanks for sharing!
  6. Happy Birthday Garnok!
  7. Happy Birthday Bob, hopefully I"ll miss the apex of your doucheness
  8. Arlan

    Free Antivirus?

    AVG is alright. http://free.grisoft.com/
  9. Later Tammy, good luck with your F/X job. It looks like a lot of fun!
  10. Arlan


    I try to listen to a little bit of everything. I don't care for most Country or Rap though. As fas as metal goes, I really like a lot of the instrumental work they do, but I have a hard time getting used to all the growling and yelling. A friend of mine who is really into guitars recently introduced me to some classical type guitarists. I had no idea you could do some of the stuff they do with an acoustic guitar. Michael Hedges - Aerial Boundaries
  11. I might try this on my homework tonight, that is great Hv!
  12. I just had to go and drop engineering
  13. Arlan

    Patch 2.3 on PTR

    No it's not there...we are also missing the itemization change that was mentioned at blizzcon.
  14. Arlan

    2.3 "notes"

    I don't really understand why they would remove diminishing returns from frost shock...and that arcane shot change is a little crazy as well. Other than that it looks like this patch is going to be pretty cool. Oh yeah I didn't see it listed but you now have to have a personal arena rating of 1850 to get the season three weapons, and a personal rating of 2000 for the shoulders...since they look pretty
  15. Arlan

    Buh Bye FP : (

    Good luck with school Kibai!
  16. Happy Birthday!
  17. That's pretty cool, and I think those are other large stars like our sun.
  18. Happy Birthday!
  19. That's not fair
  20. Haha awesome, and those old ratchet and clank commercials were pretty good too.
  21. That was cool
  22. I think you need to make the text a different color so it's easier to see. Other than that it looks good.
  23. Arlan

    'Ello 'ello

    Hey Gefion
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