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Everything posted by Arlan

  1. I'm going to go with more than likely. I think I ran into you in blackrock mountain a few days ago. I die a lot so its hard to keep track.
  2. So far I've been able to see rain and a sandstorm, but snow seemed to be broken in Winterspring since all I could see were black dots. These shots don't really show how awesome weather is in my opinion. I think you will have to see this stuff for yourself in game to really appreciate it. Also I did not suffer any extra lag due to weather. Sandstorm in Tanaris http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/9383/sandstorm10gc.th.jpg http://img457.imageshack.us/img457/933/sandstorm29iv.th.jpg Rain in Ungoro http://img363.imageshack.us/img363/2994/rain17ze.th.jpg http://img363.imageshack.us/img363/4058/rain24mc.th.jpg http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/5899/rain34ae.th.jpg Sorry about the quality on these. I didn't really want to restart wow and get stuck in a 5000+ queue again just to enhance my graphics
  3. Drive by deathray....ugh. I might have to make a druid now.
  4. Here are some screenshots I've found while backing up my harddrive. Unfortunately I think I might have lost a lot of my shots from when the game first came out. Anyway these are just random shots I thought you might find interesting. Skin glitch http://img45.imageshack.us/img45/2710/eww21jp.th.jpg Southshore Pre-Battle Grounds http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/3969/southshoreprebg6em.th.jpg Insect King http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/8120/insectking9fh.th.jpg Fun with TM guards http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/118/holywrath4ge.th.jpg I'll put more up later if you guys want me to. Enjoy
  5. Ahahaha Yeah he is pretty funny. Druid - "Why don't you stick that axe up your healadin ass!" Pali - "Hey I can melee!" Druid - "Shouldn't you be wearing a dress!" Pali - "I only wore it once.....and I was sexy."
  6. Yeah this was actually a good video. I believe any feral druids around here would enjoy watching this. I'm just glad there were no clips of him making me look like a fool
  7. Well your permissions seem to be working now. I went to the fake MC sign up and got a ban threat message
  8. Your new site looks very nice, and so far I haven't really had any problems except for it being a little slow sometimes like others have mentioned.
  9. Awesome I've really wanted to see this! Thanks Esteban
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