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Everything posted by Arlan

  1. Hey Corkie
  2. Hahaha
  3. All smack talking aside, pvp is just about having fun. At least in my opinion. The guild vs guild system sounds like it could be a lot of fun.
  4. Well if anything it will be the ultimate griefing tool. Just get some opposing faction deathknight to cast it on someone annoying and heal away!
  5. I'd really like to know how any of those developers thought that unholy embrace was a good idea. That is just stupid even with a five minute cooldown.
  6. Never has answering the question "Where are you from?" been so awesome.
  7. Happy Birthday Teeda!
  8. It's amazing that he didn't get hurt.
  9. Sounds like fun, have a safe trip!
  10. Arlan

    This is scary

    I don't think I've ever heard of someone getting a rash by drinking soda.
  11. Arlan

    So awesome!

    That's awesome
  12. I doubt the Deathknight thing is true. It just seems kind of strange to release only one hero class, and I was always under the impression that they intended hero classes to be some sort of an upgrade from your current class. Then again it's been such a long time since they last mentioned them they could have changed the design of them. As for warhammer, I'm not sure if it will be better or not. However, there is some really cool things like public quests and the tomb of knowledge(I think thats the correct name) that are very cool ideas. So there really is more to that game than just a better pvp system.
  13. Arlan

    Batmat =D

    Ahahaha thats awesome!
  14. You should install beryl if the old machine can handle it.
  15. Arlan

    Epic thread

    That's awesome
  16. I seem to always mess up affect and effect
  17. Arlan

    HV's Hair

    That's awesome Hv, the locks of love...not the discount prostate exams
  18. Wow
  19. Arlan


  20. Glad you guys had an awesome trip, and I have to agree with Ghost about those duck eggs.
  21. Happy Birthday Esteban
  22. I don't raid, but I think it's fine the way it is. It's giving many more players a chance to experience end game content, and I think it's awesome that smaller guilds are not forced to break up and join a large one just to see that stuff. I honestly can't imagine how much time that guild, and others like it, put into clearing all the raid dungeons already. I find it kind of silly to be honest. As for your gear being outdated, I was under the impression that the difference between tier 4 and 5 was not as significant as say tier 1 and 2. I don't follow this stuff so if I'm wrong please forgive me.
  23. I wonder what they will find to do from now until the next expansion comes out
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