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Everything posted by Arlan

  1. Congrats Gryph!
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. That is a pretty amazing situation considering what the problem was. One of the IT guys where I work was pretty pissed today because some woman kept locking out her account he reset for her. I guess the temporary password involved Friday in it and evidently she though it was spelled 'Fryday'.
  4. Arlan

    Alien-like squid

    Shell got this video from a remote controlled submersible around an oil development site in the Gulf of Mexico. This thing kind of creeps me out for some reason. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20...magnapinna.html
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. Happy Birthday!
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. I'm going to guess around $1700.00. Hopefully there wasn't too much messed up under the hood.
  11. Arlan

    OMG long queue again

    That brings back some memories. Queue Dance
  12. That is a great picture
  13. Congrats Vanin!
  14. Arlan


    Happy Birthday!
  15. I'm glad you guys are alright.
  16. Arlan


    Happy Birthday!
  17. Arlan

    Mr Gryph!!!

    Happy Birthday!
  18. Arlan

    Baby Update

    I'm glad to hear they are both doing well.
  19. Arlan


    This might be the only cause that could get me to step foot into that evil place again.
  20. Arlan

    Wu-Tang Names

    Homicidal Terrahawk and my Palin name is "Optimistic Lyricist"
  21. That's awesome
  22. Ah crap my eye of the storm tokens
  23. I thought someone was going to get a gatorade bath or something...wasn't expecting that.
  24. Just wondering would that have to go through the orbit that all those old satellites and other garbage we have sent into space currently resides?
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