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Everything posted by Lyrin

  1. http://guildofhonor.com/Other/dreamer.gif Your distinct personality, The Dreamer-Minstrel might be found in most of the thriving kingdoms of the time. You can always see the "Silver Lining" to every dark and dreary cloud. Look at the bright side is your motto and understanding why everything happens for the best is your goal. You are the positive optimist of the world who provides the hope for all humankind. There is nothing so terrible that you can not find some good within it. On the positive side, you are spontaneous, charismatic, idealistic and empathic. On the negative side, you may be a sentimental dreamer who is emotionally impractical. Interestingly, your preference is just as applicable in today's corporate kingdoms.
  2. This can be a lot of fun, but if you aren't in the right frame of mind it may also be rather upsetting. Don't head this direction if you are having a bad day. Otherwise, click, register and enjoy. the personality test You are an Artist! (Dominant Introverted Abstract Feeler) You are an ARTIST (DIAF)— creative, adventurous, and deep. Although you are an introvert, your dominant ideas lead you to assert yourself often— especially through your work. You actively put your creativity to constructive use, and because you are ruled by your heart you are less likely to be inhibited by logic. You have an intuitive understanding of emotion and know how to evoke it in others, but the real world can be a prison of foolishness and embarrassment if you don't get your head out of the clouds a little more. Also, you are 87% likely to write poetry. Please, for the love of God, stop now. Compared to 14,882,620 other test takers... 65% are more Submissive than you. ----- 18% are more Dominant than you. 17% are just as Dominant as you. 8% are more Introverted than you. ----- 82% are more Extroverted than you. 10% are just as Introverted as you. 15% are more Abstract than you. ----- 68% are more Concrete than you. 17% are just as Abstract as you. 54% are more Thinking than you. ----- 33% are more Feeling than you. 13% are just as Feeling as you.
  3. dramatize
  4. Find Your Viking Name! Your Viking Name is... Gríma Fairheart (Well, actually, that wouldn't really be your name -- since you're female, your name would be something like "Gríma Björnsdottir". But this is the twenty-first century, and you want to be known for who you are, not for who your father was, right? Right.) Your Viking Personality: You're a fearsome Viking, but you aren't completely uncivilized. The other Vikings make fun of you for that. You have a thirst for battle -- unfortunately, you're not terribly good at it. You're not a very fearsome fighter; in fact, you'd probably bleed to death if a sword hit your shadow. A long sea voyage aboard a Viking longboat would be difficult for you, but you might be able to manage it. You possess some skills which other Vikings respect, though in your case their respect is tinged with fear. You have a fairly pragmatic attitude towards life, and tend not to expend effort in areas where it would be wasted. Due to your gregariousness, you don't strike fear into the hearts of your victims. Try to be a little more surly in the future.
  5. What's My Pirate Name? My pirate name is: Dirty Mary Cash You're the pirate everyone else wants to throw in the ocean -- not to get rid of you, you understand; just to get rid of the smell. You're musical, and you've got a certain style if not flair. You'll do just fine. Arr!
  6. /fight
  7. And that's exactly the reason why our daughter is driving a German-built car with more airbags than speakers.
  8. Now that's where "Get A Life" comes to mind. If that's what he did when he reached Level 60, wonder how he reacted the first time he . . . nm.
  9. Is two weeks up yet!?!?!?
  10. Additionally, then the German boys grow up . . . http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8...88002&q=berlitz
  11. First . . . I'm inclined to go along with the "faking it" theory. Second . . . I'm hoping he was home alone, 'cause I'm thinking I would have checked on my child somewhere after the first scream, crash, boom. Third . . . I'm saying "KICK UP THE DOSAGE!"
  12. I'm impressed . . . Kudos to all who brought about the "issues". I like it. I like it a lot. I think it's /famous. BYW - everything has worked - well, /famously for me (proby and all).
  13. *blushes* That was so - so - so nice! Talk about a boost - shot in the arm . . . that pretty much did it. Thank you Chandos for the sentiment. Of course, you know how excited we were to see you make the "leap of faith" to WoW. Forgotten Prophets have been wonderful to us, even for the short period that we've been associated with them. I can proudly say they are the best on the shard. Keep posting - you have great questions. (I can use the answers to some of them, as well.) If you need anything give me a shout, you know where to find me.
  14. Certainly you would say I had been remiss, if I did not thank all of FP for being a part of securing my first Tier 2 armor piece. With all my heart I tell you, it was nothing short of being crowned Miss Tedrassil. The excitement, the anxiousness, the sheer loss for words . . . But at this time, I would like to correct the situation and thank all the little (but mostly the big) people who helped me attain this coveted crown - The Dragonstalker's Helm. Here is a picture of the bearer, attired in her newest millner design. http://img104.imageshack.us/img104/1155/missteldrassil1jx.png I hope to have a long and fruitful reign with FP, and will effort to assist others in realizing their dreams - as you have helped me in beginning to realize mine. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!
  15. Well done . . . says it all.
  16. This could be funny, if it wasn't so scary. http://www.adcritic.com/interactive/view.php?id=5927
  17. But . . . I give you hugs!!! (And, I'm certain that IS a tic.)
  18. I go around saluting every Forgotten Prophet I see when I'm on my alt's . . . and you all probably think I'm some stupid person that has a tic or something. Criminetly, maybe you think that anyway!
  19. Lyrin

    Defy gravity!

    I'm not having trouble figuring it out and I love the concept - but I think I got motion sickness just looking at it. I'm sooooo confused!!
  20. Pollock Mistakes (please don't say anything about the name - I didn't make it up) 1 lb. ultra lean hamburger 1 lb. sausage (mild, medium or hot - your choice) 1 lb. Velveeta 1/2 - 1 tsp. garlic powder 2 tbsp. Worchestershire sauce 1 pkg. Party Rye Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Brown the meat however you brown meat and drain the fat. (Personally, I boil both the hamburger and sausage together and drain the water and fat off, then brown it.) Sprinkle the garlic powder over the meat. Pour in Worchestershire sauce. Add Velveeta and cook on a medium-low heat mixing ingredients until all the cheese has melted. Remove mixture from heat. Spoon mixture onto the rye rounds, about 1 tbsp. each. Line up on a cookie sheet and place in oven for about 20 mins or until bubbling and just starting to brown. Cool 5 - 10 mins and serve warm. Great for appetizers, but they look kind of like poop on rye. Once you taste them, you won't care what they look like. Enjoy!!
  21. Thought that subject line would get ya!! Just a quick movie for the hunter in all of us. M O V I E ! !
  22. Lyrin


    Hmm . . . Bentley's giving up secrets about me? No one's suppose to know I'm a hunter!! I would say, "Now, I have to kill you." However, I will let this particular instance pass with "finding out more about you, than you know about yourself." Nah, just kidding. That's only something I do when provoked . . . and I already know too much about Bentley.
  23. It was way exciting (and a privilege) to be a part of taking down two Oni's in one eveing. Mostly because it was the first time we (Danarus and myself) got to see her go down at all. What an honor!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you . . . to all Forgotten Prophets for picking up us old people. I'll think of something really worthwhile to say later, much later. Thanks again!!
  24. I was beginning to wonder why we never see you. You're scaring me.
  25. Lyrin

    From the Family

    As for spamming and Bentley's post count . . . good point!! For me though, you will find quality (and lengthy - looks around for soapboxes) over quantity. Especially, since I will be leaving today to attend an academy for the coming week. I have always considered forums the place where people really grow to know one another. You know, it's where you find out what's for dinner, how a date went, what school is tossing your way - all those ordinarily wonderful tidbits that make a real bond between people. If I don't bump a thread here or there during my time away, I'm sure I will find a way to make up for it on my return. Forgotten, but never overlooked. Be a prophet.
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