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Everything posted by Lyrin

  1. Lyrin


    [align=center:61d7e2ffbe]Here's a Little Groundhog Here's a little groundhog Furry and brown He's coming up To look around If he sees his shadow Down he goes Then six more weeks Of winter snows.[/align:61d7e2ffbe] [align=center:61d7e2ffbe]http://guildofhonor.com/Other/hog.gif HAPPY GROUNDHOG DAY!
  2. Lyrin

    Boss Mob Chat

    OMG - those guys are in FP! I've heard that convo before!!
  3. Lyrin


    [align=center:508619ea87]AT&T on the 809 scam FCC on the 809 scam Yeah - be aware, be smart, don't fall for it . . . but not a huge concern.[/align:508619ea87]
  4. It's a homegenous blend of all of the above. We each put our own definitions on the gaming style we play. I'm sure the preparation and drive toward 70 was much like the grind to GM for some. There certainly had to be exhilaration in the process that led them to the accomplishment. Personally, I sit toward closer to the other end of the spectrum when it comes to playing the game.
  5. [align=center:249547725b]You go girl![/align:249547725b]
  6. Lyrin


    [align=center:2b88851917]Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! OMGoodness, OMGoodness, OMGoodness mine too! definitely /excited[/align:2b88851917]
  7. ^^ I think he's posted more than many of our members.
  8. Admittedly, I didn't go there . . . but without looking I could safely say anyone who does a few lines of blow is a F%#&ING dork.
  9. Lyrin

    The Dumb Table

    I know we all do stupid things and what works for one doesn't always work for another . . . but I thought you'd get a chuckle or two out of this. Enjoy! The Dumb Table After one of the dumbest trips through Scholomance I’ve ever taken, I decided to make a list of just how dumb people can be. Some of them are fairly minor newbie mistakes, like walking off an edge, while some are more major like a Priest that prefers to be the damage dealer. These are related to gameplay, so things like kicking the wrong person out of a guild or setting the rule “One blue/purple per day” will be left out. Don’t get me wrong, they are plenty dumb. They just aren’t what I’m going for here, though. For the sake of some of you, the list goes from the least dumb mistakes (1) to things you consciously choose to do (10). The Dumb Table Noobie Mistakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full Blown Idiot . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . Levels 1-2 – Noobie Mistakes Noobie mistakes generally have little effect on the party, and more of an effect on the person who committed the mistake. Things like using Evasion on accident or having the wrong bar up are common among this group. Sometimes it’s the Hunter that lays the wrong type of ice trap. Example: * Using Sprint at the start of a PvE fight * Using Scorpid Sting on a caster mob * Forgetting to use aggro-reducers Levels 3-4 – Advanced Noobie mistakes Advanced Noobie mistakes are easy to tell. This is the guy that uses an AoE attack when something is crowd controlled, or the guy that hits fear instead of fade. They aren’t truly horrendous mistakes, but they can get you killed none the less. Top examples are: * Hunter backing up into more mobs * Rogue forgetting they aren’t stealthed * Someone Polymorphing the main target Levels 5-6 – Pinhead This is where things start going from a mistake to intentional. This includes Rogues rolling on 2handed Bind on Pickup items and Paladins casting Blessing of Salvation on the Tank. These can be mistakes, but they are sometimes intentional. It really is a toss-up most of the time on how to judge it. Example: * Priest throwing Shadow Word: Pain on everything * Rogue sapping the wrong target * Trying to solo an elite while your group is fighting something else in an instance Levels 7-8 – Ignoramous These guys are pretty dumb. They will do something completely idiotic and probably wipe the whole group. This group holds Hunters that use Distracting Shot on boss mobs and Warlocks that Soulstone themselves instead of the main healer. Sometimes it’s even the Mage that pulls with Pyroblast. It is inevitable that you will meet one of these people, and when you do you will regret it. Example: * Using Aimed Shot to pull * Turning on Free For All in a pickup group * Using Lay on Hands on the Warlock Levels 9-10 Full Blown Idiot These guys are the cream of the crap. You will see at least one of these idiots some point in your life. Who knows, maybe you ARE one of them. These are the people that leave groups mid way through an instance after they get what they want and those that don’t follow orders leading to their own death. Example: * Priests using Shadowform in an instance * Rolling need on all items including BoP * Attacking mobs from across a ravine or on a different level If you feel that the way I grouped the people together is wrong, then too bad. I picked them based on how often I see it, how often it causes death, and just plain how idiotic it was to do. I’m sure a lot of you will look at this list and think “hey I’ve done this before” or at least be able to think of someone who has. And next time you see someone pull something like this, make sure to congratulate them and tell them their idiot rank. Who knows, you may get them to stop playing long enough to let everyone else have some fun. Cruelty can sometimes be the best kindness.
  10. I think you're getting hit because you have "Spyware Doctor" on your comp. Think about it. /joking
  11. I always debug the comps in my office and Sileed's trick is the one that you should try first. Even under the best of circumstances you should always run a check with the system restore turned off . . . too much stuff hides in there. P.S. This is the curse you put on yourself when you left us!!
  12. [align=center:7492f8e6ae]Oh, oh, oh!!! [shadow=green:7492f8e6ae]I know that's backwards for the season, but I got mine!! It is the cutest thing and I love it, love it, love it. Thank you SECRET SANTA! I do believe, I do believe, I do believe.
  13. I never exactly realized the subtle differences - but you know I think that study might just be correct.
  14. You are too cute . . . handsome (I know guys don't like cute). What is your mother's PhD field of study?
  15. Pissed is the last thing . . . beyond pissed . . . and packages don't come with duct tape - you're mother knows! Neener, neener.
  16. Put me in!! and Put Danarus in!! =}
  17. Your mother is glowingly beautiful and what an estute gentleman Kenny appears to be. You and your young lady make a pretty nice looking couple as well. Best wishes and congratulations to all.
  18. Lyrin

    Go Vote!

    Yes, but we all grow up someday . . . look, even Garnok is still working on it. <3 Garnok for putting up with my jibes
  19. Lyrin

    Go Vote!

    Voting is a privilege and a responsibility . . . there are so many who lose the right or are fighting to gain the right. Surprising what we take for granted with this thing we call freedom. It is rather sad to see people who don't have respect . . . for their country and it's people. Failure to vote is lack of respect. It takes very little time to gain the knowledge needed to step up and vote . . . probably less time than it takes to smoke a pack. Living in a country and not supporting it is, marginally, a type of terrorism. All the non-caring actions add up and eventually destroy what so many hold most dear. We are shaping our future and the future of generations to come by our actions today. As Stang put it, "It's election day! Go vote kids!"
  20. Don't you know . . . all you guys have to do is put a rock in your shoe.
  21. . . . you've never seen me at work - they'll be justified!
  22. Lyrin

    Hey guys....

    As was stated in my PM to you - I was looking to receive information regarding your status due to your long absence and probationary rank. I was attempting to determine if you retained interest in remaining in the guild. I greatly appreciate your situation and no action will be taken regarding your guild membership, however since this conversation was initiated through PM your response would have been found more approriate if you had responded in kind.
  23. Lyrin

    Zomg sig test

  24. Lyrin


    Congratulations! What a candid and lovely articulation of your experience in achieving your goal. . . . and this is exactly what makes you /famous
  25. [align=center:7a3295e221]As long as you enjoyed the time spent - it makes it all worthwhile. The hunters will miss you greatly. I'd quote our Mission Statement or Battle Call here, but alas we haven't selected one yet.[/align:7a3295e221]
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