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Everything posted by Lyrin

  1. Lyrin


    Happy Un-birthday!! Sorry I missed "the" day . . . but here's hoping the next 364 are just as stupendous!! http://guildofhonor.com/Other/star-with-wings.jpg
  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY------------------------------------------ --HAPPY BIRTHDAY---------------------------------------- ----HAPPY BIRTHDAY-------------------------------------- ------HAPPY BIRTHDAY------------------------------------ --------HAPPY BIRTHDAY---------------------------------- ----------HAPPY BIRTHDAY-------------------------------- ------------HAPPY BIRTHDAY------------------------------ --------------HAPPY BIRTHDAY---------------------------- ----------------HAPPY BIRTHDAY-------------------------- ------------------HAPPY BIRTHDAY------------------------ --------------------HAPPY BIRTHDAY---------------------- ----------------------HAPPY BIRTHDAY-------------------- ------------------------HAPPY BIRTHDAY------------------ --------------------------HAPPY BIRTHDAY---------------- ----------------------------HAPPY BIRTHDAY-------------- ------------------------------HAPPY BIRTHDAY------------ --------------------------------HAPPY BIRTHDAY---------- ----------------------------------HAPPY BIRTHDAY-------- ------------------------------------HAPPY BIRTHDAY------ --------------------------------------HAPPY BIRTHDAY---- ----------------------------------------HAPPY BIRTHDAY-- ------------------------------------------HAPPY BIRTHDAY
  3. We have a star! Star Number Aquila R A 20h 11m 3.50s D12 degrees 4' 12.01" It's called ALLENIA! Our children got it for us one Christmas.
  4. United States Department of the Treasury
  5. http://guildofhonor.com/Other/leia.jpg
  6. Aaaahh! I love new stuff . . . but I just went through to upgrade and straighten all my ui's last night. (I'm still working on arranging SWStats the way I want it.) It's never ending, but I'm glad we're using more acurate and memory friendly add-ons. Thanks Stang! =}
  7. Lyrin

    Live Chat

    Yep yep . . . me too. It doesn't like me.
  8. Lyrin

    New Ink =)

  9. They aren't hating you, Bib . . . they're hating someone called Bob!
  10. This one works. I'm thinking . . . C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !
  11. Did I miss the . . . we downed Nightbane post? I must have. I don't see it anywhere. http://guildofhonor.com/Other/cyl-main.jpg!
  12. Lyrin


    Dealing with inadequacies . . .
  13. What is it that hunters have to look like they have Merrill-Lynch shoulders and clam diggers? That's just sad. /shakes head
  14. Lyrin

    Happy Easter!

    http://guildofhonor.com/Other/Easter.jpg Easter eggs, Easter eggs Eggs of orange and blue. Here are lots of colored eggs All for me and you. Chocolate eggs colored brown, Jelly beans bright green Aren't these the most beautiful eggs That you have ever seen? HAPPY EASTER FORGOTTEN PROPHETS
  15. Honored to be a part of it all. <3
  16. Lyrin


    Yes that's sounds delicious! Sort of hobo or shepard's pie . . . but stacked! Don't let Danarus see it. I just want to serve his meatloaf and potatoes the old fashioned way. What I really liked was the whole blog narration. What a cutie pie . . . or cake!
  17. Nice needlework!! FRENCH's FTW! Sorry, something came over me. Must have been the Egyptian gods effect or the bottle on the table . . . too close to tell.
  18. ADG Security
  19. It all came together and the machine worked . . . just what we're /famous for.
  20. Lyrin


    Unless either of them are transporting, distributing or laundering in the mid to high level range, or have a few million stashed in offshore shell corps or their backyard . . . it doesn't meet our task force criteria. Then again I could send send an M.O.R. (Memorandum of Record) and hand them off to their local agencies. J/K!!
  21. Lyrin


    BerrING, berrING, berrING . . . Lyrin's office, may I help you?
  22. Lyrin


    Found another one - try again if you missed it.
  23. Lyrin


    Apple's New and Upcoming iProducts
  24. This should help you remember at least a couple of the names of world leaders . . . Hu's On First?
  25. [align=center:40201a119b]http://www.guildofhonor.com/Other/gif_sentence_34.gif / [/align:40201a119b]
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