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Everything posted by Volkv

  1. well this picture was about 1 year ago? maybe a little more.....im not sure but i look kinda older now...i guess i dont know but here i am!! http://www.myspace.com/7301086 oh btw im a noob and dont know how to post pictures on here so you have to look at the myspace some chick made for me
  2. Volkv


    so she really isn' blonde....imagine that...
  3. Not only did we down Rag this weekend but we did a lot of guild PvP, helped immo down Eranikus AND we watched the extremly laggy blast from the past thinger ma jigger....FP = PwN....just thought i would add that hehe *doesn't tear* *smiles widely*
  4. Volkv

    AQ Progress

    i turned in 3 stacks of thorium bars and about 100 runecloth bandaids =) i haen't been able to farm anymore runecloth(PvP ftmfw) but yeah i will be soon enough!
  5. OmG Gratz guys i can't believe i missed that! i was out seeing the movie Narnia which was awesome but still i can't belive i missed the downing of Ragnaros!! Congratz to everyone that was there.
  6. NERF EINTSTEIN.....pally > einstein....shaman = god....shaman > everyhting....nerf shaman...
  7. night elves are the ugliest...most played out class int he game....gnomes are ftw and cute....
  8. Yeah im dumb or something so im jsut gonna forget about puttin pictures on here till i smartin up a bit =-)
  9. So yeah im sitting here in Honors Visual Basic listening to this teacher drone on about some quiz we have and i figured i would come check out the FP site! FPFTMFW...yeah well if your in school and extremly bored and trolling forums PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave something here so i am occupied during this abnormally long and boring period. I will most likely check this everyday since this boringness will never come to an end so POST... -------Volkv------
  10. Volkv


    Volkv AIM name is allstrs88, and also in my profile thinger majigger...
  11. Me and Gunitmidget decided to take a walk and head up to the top of IF...i got some screen shots of the flag on top and we also Base Jumped from the top to Menethil Harbor!! I just need to know how to post images....im a forum NoOb =)
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