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Everything posted by Volkv

  1. Dawn of The Dead
  2. Volkv

    Sig Suggestions

    i cant seem to ever get this right lol eh it looks alright on my screen....not tooo too plain now...added some fire and trees hehehopefully hosting is fixed now i used imageshack.us like you suggested =D thanks for ze help
  3. Volkv

    Sig Suggestions

    i made it an img rather then what i had it before.....maybe it works now?
  4. Volkv

    Sig Suggestions

    oh dang...well what site is most commonly used to host =D
  5. Volkv

    Sig Suggestions

    So i was trolling the forums and all as always now-a-days and i figured i mise well make a sig for myself so i downloaded PSCS2 (torrents ftw) and made this....plan simple and easy but its too plain...any siggestions? you all have great sigs so i figured i would ask
  6. Volkv


    alright i will check it out when i get home from school today...=D
  7. Volkv


    yeah i dont know much other then Wii tennis and zelda....dont know how to add other people Wii numbers or even find mine out =P
  8. my name is volkk in game! say hi! haha
  9. haha that would be rediculous but yet hilarious, then there would be a decent explanation for horde completley disapearing into thin air in the plaguelands, pre-bc....and agreed 100% bentley
  10. grrrr my school is so lame....they have the entire WoW website blocked on Novell...soooo lame i cant even trol the forums during school and if i "subvert security" a.k.a. use a proxy then i get a saturday and lose my interent for 30 days!
  11. agreed Vengeance is a little weak....any ideas on what madness will do?
  12. i still dont know what i will roll...guess we will see when it comes around....i'd like to play with all you guys that i know already though...makes things that much easier
  13. oh and este! i want to PvP with you~!~
  14. i think i have had a FP Forum relapse....i always find myself trolling the forums i dont get it....why is FP so addicting?!!? well hopefully i will be back monday if i get my lazy ass to the bank and get my account re-activated and transfered back to skullcrusher....anyone care to meet me in nagrand? we can duel to the death! muhuhahaha i will probably lose cause my fingers arent properly worked out from months of no wow...andway /troll FP Forums
  15. i miss the FP familia....where the heck is esteban anyway? havent seen a post from him yet?! oh and hi sploit im volkv...used to be a priest now a rogue and i quit wow for a few months but will be back shortly....we WILL meet...
  16. i will probably be playing a rogue becuase i find them extremly fun =D maybe they will let me join thier PvP forces...eh we'll see what happens
  17. so yeah im most likely coming back to skullcrusher and gonna start playing again....all i really want to do is PvP with FP again cause it was like pretty much the bestest most funnest thing i ever dun did in the world of warcraft......you all better PvP still!
  18. ouch, nice moves....poor kid..
  19. Eh im thinkin bout being a shaman for shitz and giggles but i really dont know...i want to see how everything turns out with all the classes and stuff before i decide! oh and i might come back and play wow as a rogue though...maybe even on skullcrusher so i might see everyone once again! /miss FP and all the good times i had with you all! we'll see though... Warhammer is supposed to be based soly on PvP with like PvE for the people who dont like confrontation and like to stick to themselves and kill monsters that dont pose much of a challenge....i cant wait i think the Warhammer PvP will be > WoW PvP by far....to bad they pushed the release back eh? well look for me in the next few weeks....i think my name will be ozwinks 70 rogue im not sure though! /wave /hug /bye for now
  20. Hi everyone! hope all is well happy belated b-day! just droppin by to see whats goin on in the WoW world...i quit playing after i hit 70 for the second time it just got boring...also wanted to ask everyone if they are gonna play Warhammer when it comes out because i sure am! and i hope to see all the old names playing too! need a server full of FPedians haha well hope you WoW journey is goin good FP im out!
  21. Volkv

    ZOMG! Hey FP!

    ahh i will look for you when i play gears of war at my friends house!
  22. Volkv

    ZOMG! Hey FP!

    Hi Hi everyone! remember me? lol its volkv! just wanted to drop by and say whats up and check out whats goin on with FP! Im on korgath now and re-rolled as a rogue haha my priest is 64 and my rogue is 70! hope all is goin good with FP! /miss
  23. http://community.webshots.com/photo/224140...088142706WEbVbe Fixed - Stang
  24. Thanks Guys.....
  25. rofl.....well.....i had originally planned this to be in a forum so the public eye couldnt see but someone.........NINJA'D my rights before i could......so.....i had to......shorten it up.....and put some dots in.......you know??
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