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Everything posted by Krotas

  1. Glider is getting owned in the face. http://nihilum.mousesports.com/en/news/521...es_bot_creator/
  2. Krotas


    ROFL!!! I'm showing this to my comp sci prof, he'll love it xD
  3. http://video.msn.com/video.aspx?mkt=en-ca&...ot_en-ca_m_1824 Beautiful
  4. so did the guy sitting beside me in class
  5. Krotas

    Meko is...

    huge in the pants?
  6. Krotas


    Yes... weird is the correct term here...
  7. hahaha!
  8. that was interesting... can i have 30 seconds of my life back?
  9. Holy shit strat your sig is brutal! rofl!
  10. I just noticed in that earlier pic of ez and hank, ez's wearing a WoW shirt ................................... ..................................... ......................................... les sigh
  11. Kev.... no more internet access for you. And Darcy... go away.
  12. .....I think I need to test your boobs for 'handful-ness'
  13. and remember kids: that's alllll that matters.
  14. Am I the only one that noticed that memphis is turning to some lesbian action in her previous post? xD
  15. Krotas


    It really upsets me that my good friend narf (kib's friend too) would even accept money. He can go @!#$ himself.
  16. Krotas


    Kev... the level of homosexuality present in your post is enough to make one's head asplode
  17. The bitch slap toon of SSB
  18. that was fvcking awesome
  19. Iron Man Tony Stark already has enough on his plate. He just built himself a piece of super-armor, armed with missiles and rocket jets for flight. He battles evil forces, enemies that are even stronger than him. He needs to cool his jets, take five and show his girlfriend just what being an Iron Man is all about. He just needs to make sure his rocket doesn't go off early. Super Mario Galaxy Hasn't Peach been teasing Mario long enough? He's saved her more than a dozen times from the clutches of Bowser or some other evil minion and he's probably getting anxious. Super Mario Galaxy would be the ideal spot for her to reward him with some kind of loving, as she could take him where no man has gone before . Portal We obviously know that the cake is a lie, so we need something else to satisfy our desire to complete Portal. How about modifying the gun for an interesting love scene where you can come up with all kinds of crazy positions? First you're on bottom, then you warp to the top. Or hey, maybe you're in both places at once. Sound crazy? That's probably because it is.
  20. Word is going around with my friends that play wow that thott and alakazam are no longer safe because the ads being hosted contain keylogging software. One of my good friends told me it even happened to a personal friend of his; password was changed, all his items sold and every character deleted. Just thought I'd help spread the word it may be wise to avoid them for now
  21. Krotas


  22. ALERT!! MASSIVELY LONG WALLZ OF TEXT IN THIS THREAD!!! even i started skipping posts.... that's saying something also, after a day and a half I have unlocked every character and map in the entire game... lawlz i need to go outside. PS. to go through the doors in sse mode, push up on the control stick =P
  23. Krotas

    I win @ babies!

    *impersonates Jim Carey* mama?
  24. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! este you came down here for one weekend and the only thing you left with was "I played 8 matches of melee with krotas.... he won all 8 of them" Pwned =D and omg dude! i totally shoulda taken a pic of us, we coulda put it on facebook!!! PS rereading this thread has reminded me to go preorder spore... ty all
  25. I don't see why people would be against the idea. If one day you turned on CNN and you hear "NASA announced today that it will be sending a volunteer astronaut on an 8 month trip to mars. He will arrive to an already established colony, and remain, possibly, for the rest of his life. During his time there he will be able to conduct experiments and gather results never before possible, vastly expanding the human understanding of the universe. He will also, of course, bring the human race that next giant leap as the first man ever to set foot on another planet." Why would you jump up and declare it an absurd idea?
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