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Everything posted by Krotas

  1. i don't have the time or the patience to click on all of those... but they seem pointless enough to amuse me 2 thumbs up
  2. ,,l, ,l,,
  3. i figured out what it is A quest u get once u are honored with ogri'la; u have to summon that portal and send 15 demons through it to make sure they r dead ^_-
  4. i don't even need to read all that text.. if este wrote it, it's pure genious <3 este =D
  5. i'll win... i always do ^_- (if u've ever played an FFA with me u kno the irony of that statement...)
  6. odds are he simply hasn't dismounted since he left the island in smv =P oh and i've seen many of those portal things, generally there have been small groups of horde killing mobs around them (perhaps just a coincidence that i've only seen horde around them) /shrug
  7. a raid? on a saturday? hell i'm there P.S. MC ftw, i STILL need those damned PANTS!
  8. oh ok so i shouldnt try it either? =D
  9. Krotas


  10. I'm tempted to make a comment regarding "when she is happy her whole body jiggles" <.<
  11. Krotas

    For Gryph

    um... i didn't find nething... everything i have ever posted was something a random friend linked me on MSN... lol
  12. meh, odds are in a couple years having table screens like that will b like a bar with TV's in it or those buzzers that go off when ur table is ready... aslong as microsoft doesn't screw this up like they have done... well... everything else.... =P
  13. Krotas

    For Gryph

    http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/comic.php?d=20021113 =D
  14. Krotas


    hm... that's wierd; he never said nething to ne of the old uca guys... : / /miss
  15. omg i may have found something actually worth watching for once, enjoy! http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1759067 i thought it was rlly well done myself, hell if they sped up the motion by like 20% it would have rivaled the movies
  16. wow that's pritty cool; so um... who's rdy for some duels? =D
  17. half now, half on delivery
  18. 5K? i got that... PM the pics =D
  19. shiny i need to get back into addons... damn warlocks have so many spells i'm using up every effing button i can with every spell bar visible
  20. lol? stang... who DON'T u kno...? some guy in china perhaps?
  21. jebus a hunter with 10K hp O_o
  22. medium, and este i srsly wish he just would alrdy, so i can say no and laugh at him bing turned down by me.... that's sayin sumthin =P
  23. Krotas

    Cat thread

    would it b odd if i said i work for free...?
  24. i'm srry 9 it looks like word is getting out, u can still call me if u want though
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